What's your personality?

Your Type is
Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
Strength of the preferences %
44 38 25 33

Qualitative analysis of your type formula

You are:
moderately expressed introvert

moderately expressed intuitive personality

moderately expressed thinking personality

moderately expressed judging personality
I'm IntJ too, and quite a bit of it seems true. I'm not quite the perfectionist they make me out to be, but the relationship and social interactionpart was spot on. Where are you finding those "existing situation" "actual problem" things?
I took the Color Quiz too...

Your Existing Situation
Feeling dissatisfied in her current situation and has a strong desire to escape or find an immediate solution.

Your Stress Sources
"Needs to meet people who have the same high principals and values as himself, but finds the need unfulfilled. her need to feel dominate and superiorleaves her feeling isolated and does not allow for her to give freely of himself. she would like to surrender and let go, but sees that as a weakness she mustnot give in to. Holding back will allow her to stand out for the crowd and earn a higher status, recognized by others as unique and important."

Your Restrained Characteristics

Current events leave her feeling forced into compromise in order to avoid being cut off from affection or future cooperation.

"Self-centered, tends to take this personally and is easily offended, which leaves her feeling isolated."

"Seeking to broaden her horizons and believes her hopes and dreams are realistic. Worries she may not be able to do the things she wants and needs toescape to a peaceful, quiet environment in order to restore her confidence."

Your Desired Objective
Is extremely determined to make her presence known as an important part of any team. she is flexible and able to do what is necessary to stand out from thecrowd. Is willing to overcome any conflicts and difficulties that may stand in her way.

Your Actual Problem
"Needs to be viewed and respected as an outstanding individual, in order to build her self-esteem and self-worth. Resists any type of weakness and setshigh standards for himself."
Originally Posted by StonedFace


this is a pretty accurate test, plus its not 72 questions


[table][tr][td] [h2]Your Actual Problem[/h2] [table][tr][td] "Struggles with his need for respect and admiration from others; feels he needs to make a name for himself and stand out from the crowd. He acts out by insisting he be the center of attention, and refuses to step back, stand down, or take on a minor, insignificant role."[/td] [/tr][/table][/td] [/tr][/table][table][tr][td] [h2]Your Actual Problem #2[/h2] [table][tr][td]"Is disappointed and let down, feels there is no point in making new goals as they will leave him feeling the same way. Is unable to admit to his short comings, which leads him to act out in an aggressive and resentful way."[/td] [/tr][/table][/td] [/tr][/table]
Your Type is
Extraverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
Strength of the preferences %
78 25 12 22

ENTJ type description by D.Keirsey
ENTJ Identify Your Career with Jung Career Indicator[emoji]8482[/emoji] ENTJ Famous Personalities
ENTJ type description by J. Butt and M.M. Heiss

Qualitative analysis of your type formula

You are:

* very expressed extravert
* moderately expressed intuitive personality
* slightly expressed thinking personality
* slightly expressed judging personality

Originally Posted by StonedFace


this is a pretty accurate test, plus its not 72 questions
[h2]Your Existing Situation[/h2]Feeling dissatisfied in his current situation and has a strong desire to escape or find an immediate solution

@$*@ how they knew that?
[h2]Your Stress Sources[/h2]Tries to hold back his normal enthusiastic and imaginative self in fear that he may get carried away by it and chase after unrealistic goals. Feels betrayed and used and is staying emotionally distant to keep others from hurting him more. His is distrusting and suspicious of the actions and intentions of other people.
Somewhat true

The rest was them throwing !$#% against the wall and seeing if it stuck. I gave it all deep thought and it's just not me.
Your Type is
Extraverted Sensing Feeling Judging

You are:

* slightly expressed extravert
* slightly expressed sensing personality
* slightly expressed feeling personality
* slightly expressed judging personality
The color test wasn't good for me at all. I think probably because I have no conception of what "color makes me feel best" even means.They're just colors. I'm too rational even for a personality test. It doesn't pick up on that though.
Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

The color test wasn't good for me at all. I think probably because I have no conception of what "color makes me feel best" even means. They're just colors. I'm too rational even for a personality test. It doesn't pick up on that though.
Did you wait 90 seconds?
Your Type is
Introverted Intuitive Thinking Judging
Strength of the preferences %
22 12 19 67

INTJ type description by D.Keirsey
INTJ Identify Your Career with Jung Career Indicator[emoji]8482[/emoji] INTJ Famous Personalities
INTJ type description by J. Butt and M.M. Heiss

Qualitative analysis of your type formula

You are:
slightly expressed introvert
slightly expressed intuitive personality
slightly expressed thinking personality
distinctively expressed judging personality
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

The color test wasn't good for me at all. I think probably because I have no conception of what "color makes me feel best" even means. They're just colors. I'm too rational even for a personality test. It doesn't pick up on that though.
Did you wait 90 seconds?
I waited 90 seconds then did it but I felt the same way as the other guy it was all just a bunch of colors to me
I think I waited like 120 seconds actually, but I still remembered which ones I chose before. In my mind I was deciding whether to just go with the same onesor to switch it up intentionally--all of which defeat the purpose of the timer.
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