What's your track record with the NBA Draft??

Originally Posted by Lavious

For the Warriors,
2005 - Wanted Granger, still bitter about Diogu getting picked that year.

2006 - Was hoping Foye or Gay would drop, would've been ok with Ronnie Brewer. Ended up with Patrick O'Brien, good times.

1999: #1 Wanted Elton Brand and got him wanted Ron Artest and got him. I was hoping William Avery fell though, cause at least I would have been happy either way.
2000: # 4, #8 I thought Darius Miles would fall to #4 at one time wanted him, Also thought ( live thought) instead of Fizer we should take Milke Miller. Since we couldnt get Demarr Johnson I wanted Jamal. But in that situation not trading Chris Mihm might have been better.
2001 since we were trying Jamal as a PG I thought Jason Richardson would be a good fit at 4, also wanted Rodney White cause I watched him go Ham a lot that season .wanted no Parts of Eddy Curry. Once the Brand trade went through Chandler was the best pick
2002: got my pick he got on a bike and the rest is history.
2003: WE HAD TO take Kirk, and I was happy considering all the guys with legit upside were taken
2004 I did not like the Ben Gordon pick at all.
It was one thing to have to have taken Hinrich the year before, but I fully expected to take Devin Harris and play him with Kirk. It was what it was.
Luol was fine with the Suns pick, would have prefered Iggy, or taking a risk on Josh Smith or JR Smith, but Paxton was into taking the most talented wholesome kid he could find. It would have been dumb to take Iggy at 7 after the Ben Gordon pick though.
2005 no picks: and I was happy cause we would have had #21
2006 #2 #16. We had no business trading Lamarcus straight up for Tyrus, that was strictly a move to get Tyrus at a lower number and it prob only saved 1million over the course of the contract. I was estatic we took Lamarcus, as it was time to have a PF who could score a bit.
But I know we had no one we legitimately wanted, waste of an Eddy Curry trade
Thabo was who I wanted, but when he got picked by Philly I wanted Carney. I got what I wanted in the end.
2007:Joakim was the Tyson replacement we needed for 3 years. I was happy, until the season started and some of the vets, and himself started acting like fools.
2008: I always wanted Rose, but there were trades I wanted us to explore as far as taking Mayo later namely getting Gordon out of Chicago.
2009: Gibson was the perfect pick, but it would have been nice to leverage a contract and gotten Derozan, who I thought would drop out of the lottery for the James Johnson pick.
Still James has talent I just think he wont put it together.
2010 I wanted James Anderson if we kept the pick, but the Hinrich deal was rumored for a while here and it happened. I was then good with droping more salary to get closer to getting 2 superstars.
2011 I want to trade up using the 2 late first rounders and Kyle Korver.
In my ideal world I would be taking Alec Burks or Marshon Brooks in the early- mid teens, after that I want Iman Shumpart if its the late teens ( unless he drops)
As long as I've followed, nothing really to speak of other than Josh Howard, and maybe Rodrigue Beaubois if you want to. Do we count draft-day trades, like Nowitzki and Devin Harris? Even then, that's about where that ship ends.

1996 - Wanted Shareef Abdur-Rahim. Picked Peja.
1997 - Wanted Brevin Knight. Picked http://www.basketball-reference.com/players/a/abdulta01.htmlTariq Abdul-Walhad.
1998 - Wanted Larry Hughes. Picked Whit Eboy.
1999 - Wanted Wang Zhi Zhi. Picked Ryan Robertson.

2000 - Wanted Desmond Mason. Picked Hedo.
2001 - Wanted Gerald Wallace. Picked Gerald.
2002 - Wanted Tayshuan Prince. Picked Dan Dickau.
2003 - No selection
2004 - Wanted Tony Allen. Picked Kevin Martin.
2005 - Wanted Gerald Green. Picked Cisco.
2006 - Wanted James White. Picked Douby.
2007 - Wanted Joakim Noah. Picked Hawes.
2008 - Wanted Roy Hibbert. Picked JT.
2009 - Wanted Ricky Rubio. Picked Tyreke.
2010 - Wanted Demarcus Cousins. Picked Cousins.

I have to admit at one time I was obsessed with the Kings picking someone that would remotely shut down Kobe or play like him. Go Tyreke.
Originally Posted by Lightweight Champion

Originally Posted by rayray3thousand

let's play....

2003 - #9 pick - wanted Nick Collison, figured he would be a long term non-head case
2004 - no first round pick (thanks isiah)
2005 - #8 pick - (we got channing frye and david lee this draft so can't complain) I wanted Bynum though since it was the last year for high school players to enter the league
2006 - #20 pick - wanted Marcus Williams from that Uconn squad (missed Rondo by one pick... sheesh)
2007 - #23 pick - wanted Aaron Afflalo
2008 - #6 pick - the year I threw my beer at the wall when they took Danillo... wanted Brook Lopez
2009 - #8 pick - screamed at the tv in anger when they took jordan hill... wanted Brandon Jennings
2010 - no pick - didn't matter cause I thought Bron was gonna say NY at his decision to join Amare
2011 - #17 pick - I want Kenny Faried the rebounding and hustle machine... if Jimmer slips, take him

it's tough watching the draft as a Knicks fan

So you weren't like the rest who screamed when the Warriors took Curry? That was one of the most classic moments in draft history!
I wanted NOTHING to do with Curry... I am super biased when it comes to (in my opinion) "skinny" scorers from college.  I actually bet my college roommate at the time that Durant was gonna flop in the nba 
 Players like Curry, Durant, Livingston, etc.. always get the thumbs down from me when they enter the league
Originally Posted by Clutchshooter


2003 - Wanted them to select Bosh - They took Bosh.
2004 - Wanted them to select Iggy (damnit that was such a no brainer) - They took araujo
2005 - Wanted themm to select Green and Granger - They took Villanueva and Graham
2006 - Wanted them to select Aldridge. - They took Bargnani
2007 - How the hell does a borderline garbage
2008 - Team (at the time) not only not draft any young talent but actually go out of their way to trade away selections?
2009 - Wanted them to select Derozan - They took Derozan.
2010 - Wanted Aldrich or Xav to fall a bit an they both did........... to the last two spots before the Raptors selection. - They took Davis
2011... the Raps better take Kemba.

if they draft another euro player, i'll personally kill colangelo.
My dad fishes with the assistant coach for the Bucks Joe Wolf. 2 weeks before the draft they were goin fishin and my dad asked me who I wanted the Bucks to draft so he could tell Wolf. I told him Brandon Jennings. As you know we ended up getting BJ. Now I dont know how much I had to do with the pick but I like to believe my decision had an impact on the management 
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