Whats's y'all's opinion on this? (College Related)

Apr 26, 2002
I am in the process of taking my last course to finish my masters in psychology (general, not clinical). Because the sattelite campus I attend didn't have any available electives and the main campus is 2hrs away, the dean offered to let me take an undergraduate tests and measurements course with extra assignments added on. The instructor agreed and school started mid Jan. I asked the instructor for the assignment the first chance I get and she said she would let me know. A little while later the dean emailed both of us and asked about our status. I asked again before spring break and the instructor said she would email me before the end of the week.

The instructor just gave me a 10-15 page assignment today along with two regular curriculum in class presentations. I do not feel that she has given me enough time to complete the work and was negligent in issuing the assignement in a timely manner. I already know I will have to write the paper, but am I wrong? The paper is due May,8.
Eh, sounds like you would've had more work to do had she given you stuff starting at the beginning of the semester.

Honestly, you have 6 weeks to complete it, and if you're only taking one class it shouldn't be that difficult.
It sucks but what choice do you really have? Just knock it out and wait for the cap and gown.
You have 6 weeks fam. If this is your thesis or something then yeah that is short notice. But if it is a paper on a specific topic just like any other you have written during your college life it shouldn't be an issue. You are in the home stretch, suck it up and get that %!%% done over a long weekend.
6 weeks and 15 pages? boy you do the math
thats easy like Sunday morn, now go pass dat class!

6 weeks isnt bad. just stretch it out and do a little bit every day.
6 weeks for 10 pages?

A little more than a page and a half per week fam.

Hell, a paragraph per day
My bro... You're about to get your MASTERS and you're complaining about having to write a 15 page paper in 6 weeks? Come on man... Im undergrad and 15 pages is light work for a weekend...
Originally Posted by MonStar1

6 weeks and 15 pages? boy you do the math
thats easy like Sunday morn, now go pass dat class!


I love this post famb ... the positiveness is ridic ...
By now you're well aware that a well-written Grade A paper can be done in under 24 hours. I had to do it several times, and I'm sure most other college students/grads have, too.

Me personally, I'm a night owl. I'd take two nights to do each one, do one a week. Believe it or not, facebook/the internet DOES die down for a few hours every night.
Pick some good tunes, make a long +$# playlist, and just crank it out. You can have all three assignments done in a week. Take the following week off and relax, then at the beginning of the week after that go over everything and make sure it's all worthy of an A. If it's not, take an extra night for each assignment to perfect it, and be done.

That's three weeks time, only working a total of 6 nights.

My schedule for big assignments and my capstone project was:
Work: 9PM - 5AM (in bed before the sun comes up)
Sleep: 5AM - Noon (people just getting out of classes and really getting their days started— you've missed out on nothing)
Work-out/play guitar/relax/work if I feel motivated/eat: Noon to 5PM.
Job: 5PM - 11:30PM (started my work at 9PM— I worked and managed the printers in the Art/Engineering building my senior year so I could work at work. #xzhibit.)

Seems daunting now, but it's really no big deal.
Originally Posted by solegit08til

Humble brag?

.Nah, not at all. Yeah, I got it. She had just given me the assignment and I was a little shocked. What was stressing me is I have a kind of stressful full time job and take home paperwork on the weekends and a couple of nights a week. It's all good though.
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