When’s the last time you cried?

jan 3rd 2017 to be exact
my daughter was born
she wasn't due till April :smh:
she spent exactly 91 days in the NICU (newborn icu)
One of the scariest things to happen to me my whole life
to see a 24 1/2 week baby come out(c section)
i was scared as hell
she looked really like an alien
her skin was almost see through
she had tubes down her throat
i shed tears man
april 4th she came home

Been there with my 12 yo nephew. He was 3 months premature. Doctors couldn’t say if he would pull through the night.
What does it involve
When u get bell palsy
Like what can/can’t u do???

Till this day have no clue, I never had health issues. One day at work I was noticing I was losing my taste buds, then next day woke up tried to drink water and realized my right side of my mouth didn’t work lol. Doctor telling me it’s most likely from stress but who knows. The first week they had me on these steroid pills but after that there was nothing I could take they told me, it suppose to go away on its own, can take up to 6 moths and I’m already going on the 4th month but it’s about 80% healed now. The first week is where you deal with the physical pain.
Me and my wife was a wreck
So sorry you guys had to go through that. Definitely not an easy thing to deal with. The emotions take a huge toll on you and the family. I felt it and I’m the type to disconnect when it becomes too much, scariest time of my life.

Got bell pasly 3 months ago, the first month I cried literally everyday, or whenever it was time to eat I just cried because what my life have become
Hang in there dude, you’re tough. Wishing you a speedy recovery!
my first day at stockx. i thought it was going. to be a dream job where i could fondle shoes alongside other men who were also fondling shoes. turns out i had to actually work. i cried so hard in my car during my lunch that i made a stain on my off white jordans.
my first day at stockx. i thought it was going. to be a dream job where i could fondle shoes alongside other men who were also fondling shoes. turns out i had to actually work. i cried so hard in my car during my lunch that i made a stain on my off white jordans.

I remember that dude and his story. Poor guy got ZERO sympathy from NT, lol.
Last April when my mother came home from the hospital.

She went in to have a benign tumor removed, and when she was under her heart stopped and she had to be resuscitated. Seeing my mother so weak was heavy, man. Mom always held the household together.

Soon as we got her back in the house I damn near fell apart. Had been going through a lot personally and emotionally, and I don’t know what I would have done if I didn’t have her to lean on.

Put a lot in perspective, and changed my mother’s whole outlook on life. Now I’m so thankful for what it did to her and how she’s been able to enjoy life more than I can ever remember.
Best friend, grandmother and dog died within the span of a couple years. Those I can remember.

Outside of that, maybe a couple in the shower where no one could see/hear me and I was fed up with sh*t. Anger turned inwards type of thing.
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When my grandma passed away a few months ago
We were extremely close until a few years ago when I got busy with work and personal life
Then she moved back to Pakistan and she passed and I didn’t even get to say goodbye

I drank for weeks to try and cope. Didn’t help.
Got bell pasly 3 months ago, the first month I cried literally everyday, or whenever it was time to eat I just cried because what my life have become
some years back, i got bell's palsy. started out with the right side of my face being kinda numb. my face didn't really sag but you could really see it when i smiled and only one side lifted up. i was kinda bummed and worried that my face would be like that permanently but i'm already ugly so it wasn't that big a deal. i was at about 90% normal after 2 months.

i cried when my daughter was born in may of this year. my wife had to be induced a month early and it happened pretty suddenly. when the baby came out, she looked kinda small but she didn't have to be in the nicu. i shed a few tears when i held her in my arms. when we brought her home, i had to rush to the store and buy preemie-sized onesies/pajamas. she's fat, beautiful, healthy, and happy now.

this past year, my dad passed away. it didn't really hit me the night he passed. for the next month though, there would be these random times that i would really miss him. my son will still shed some tears when talking about his grandpa.
More than I would like to remember this year. My grandmother died in April. Luckily, I got to see her in Chapel Hill at the hospital a week or 2 prior, before things took a sudden turn for the worse. That was a pretty heavy time. She visited my sister and I in our dreams on the same night, within days after the funeral. It tripped me out a bit. So far, I count 3 dreams I ended up waking up in tears. Just a couple weeks ago, it hit me that we would be short one more person for Thanksgiving, and it had me going all over again.
^ Sheesh!

Brother passed from cancer leaving two young sons and a an toddler daughter behind.

Almost 10 years ago.

Im my arms.

Fast forward to 2019.

Dropping my nephew (his eldest) off at college.

In the car, told him how proud my brother would be of him and how much I wished his Dad was here to drop him off.

He looked over at me and I almost lost it.

Had to pull that tear back in with all my strength.


My Dad died of cancer when I was a Freshman in college...at home...in my Moms arms.

Both me and my Mom know what its like to hold on to a loved one as they pass.

Hard to even type this.
Daughter fell in a frozen pool like 8 years ago.

she wasn’t breathing and was on life support for 3 weeks, but since the water was so cold it actually kept her from getting any brain damage.

to make matter worse her cousin jumped in a tried to get her and ended up in the same condition. Dude is a g.

both are 100% now with no brain damage or any other problems from that day.
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