When a girl reaches over to unlock your door.

Originally Posted by Solemate96

What do you think NT? Is she a keeper?

Any advice would help. Have a great weekend everybody!

real life =/= movies. 
& thanks.. i will have a great weekend. 
this "test" (even if it was accurate) lost validity after they put it in a movie. Chicks will do this now after watching the movie, even if they ordinarily wouldn't.
this thread is very different than the past "Door Test" thread

It's a cool gesture, but by no means the sign she's a keeper... made a great scene in the movie, though. OP you don't have own a high end BMW to have keyless entry, my crappy 95 Explorer has it. The scene made sense back in the 60s but doesn't really hold much relevance now, assuming your car was made in the 90s.
Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

this "test" (even if it was accurate) lost validity after they put it in a movie. Chicks will do this now after watching the movie, even if they ordinarily wouldn't.
How this @*@% even matter when I already unlocked both our joints from my pocket before we even reach the car?
Damn, you youngins don't even know what's really good with this situation here...

Big-ups to everyone that cited the proper film.
I was floored when this girl opened the door for me one time...and i was driving. she was a swedish foreign exchange student and it was first day i actually met her. 

turned out she was just a nice person
Do you guys have no faith in humanity? A lot of people are raised with a decent amount of respect in their family. Opening a door for someone is common courtesy, not life changing.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

this thread is very different than the past "Door Test" thread

It's a cool gesture, but by no means the sign she's a keeper... made a great scene in the movie, though. OP you don't have own a high end BMW to have keyless entry, my crappy 95 Explorer has it. The scene made sense back in the 60s but doesn't really hold much relevance now, assuming your car was made in the 90s.
Early 00's. UGH. 
It could really just be common courtesy and her being nice. I'm just going to take it as it is. 
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