When did you move out and do you regret it?

At 18 for college. Had roommates all through college, but not since. I love living solo. 

No regrets. Living solo is the only way for me to live. 
21 and at home with parents still.

Cost of living is so damn high in NYC I don't see myself moving out any time soon if its around here..

Not talking to you specifically but it's crazy how most USA people feel like they have to move out as soon as they graduate or turn a certain age

Most of my friends (not usually Americans) say their parents don't want them to move until they get engaged/married
Is parents living with u the same as moving out? I mean when dey are at da older age

Hadn't spent more than a week at home since.

24 now...

Living on your own >>>>>>>>>>>*

Its so free... So liberating. It sucks when you have to stay at someone else's house for more than 2 days...

No roommates >>>>>>>>*

I don't care what anyone says... I'd rather have a lame apartment dolo than move with my parents to try and stack for a house...

Im going through this right now. just moved back home few months ago to save money to get the house. :smh:

it's nail biting right now. Had my own place for 5 years, feels like Im doing prison term.. but Im looking at the light at the end of tunnel. Paying rent aint all its crack up to be, and having money stacks been nice

I guess it's what matters more at this point money ≠ freedom
17, moved out to college on my own. Got my first degree. Went to another school, got second degree. Was offered a job near school, but I had 50k+ loans, so I moved back home. Now, after 9 years of living on my own, independently, I got to put in work and pay off my loans/save up.

Full time job, no issues with the parents, but I DO need my own space. Work is 25 minutes away, so it's just not smart to move out just to move out. I decided I'm not taking out anymore loans..

26, I pay all my bills, if it matters.
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