When Was The Last Time There Was A True QS?


formerly zombiejesuz
Aug 27, 2016
when was the last time a QS popped up in stores? like out of no where, no rd, no nothing. just arriving in stores unexpected.

i think the lightning xviis, qs XXs, Melo XIIs, and Nubucks without the accersories. anything else?
In today's age of the internet and technology, that is EXTREMELY HARD. Trophy room XX3 was just a few days notice was the last thing. Before that, I would say the db5 which dropped random as hell in a September and the reretro drop of the db3
Seems like the quickest drop we knew nothing about lately was cp3 13 pe and the sbb 2.0
Bred AJKO's and Chicago KO's in 2012. We didn't even know they had been produced until literally the week before release day.

Random but I remember back in 2002 when the Blk/Wht Sheed Highs dropped. We had been seeing Sheed wear them for years but there was never any indication that the shoes would actually release. No samples, no rumors, nothing. One day someone randomly hopped on the Nike website looking for Forces and there were the Sheeds.

That's a real quickstrike...
Those are the good old days. Now when people talk about a quickstrike it give me a headache.
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