When was the last time you've gone to the doctor's?

Probably sometime last year when I needed a referral..usually I just end up in the hospital and then go to the drs...backwards I know..
about a 1 1/2 years... i need to go back check if i got diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, about everything so i can stay healthy and see my kdis grow up
Probably sometime last year when I needed a referral..usually I just end up in the hospital and then go to the drs...backwards I know..
sometime over X-mas break...my feet were freezing and it felt like there was no circulation to them...they found nothing wrong but i think something iswrong...i just couldn't describe the feeling into the right words so i left it alone...its stopped since but i still think i might have a problem cuz iwear two pairs of socks in the summer sometimes...
havent gone in a really long time, probably because i never get sick or nothing is ever wrong with me.
I was at the cardiologist a few weeks ago. For those who don't know my partying in the summer of 2006 damn near killedme. Massive amounts of cocaine for about three months left me with a weakened heart and a dialated cardiomyopathy, weak heart muscles. The five year survivalrate for most people with cardiomyopathy is about 50%. That means that on average, five years after being diagnosed with cardiomyopathy you have a 50% chanceof being dead by that point.

Thankfully for me, my cardiomyopathy has proven to be reversible, which is not usually the case and it usually is a chronic a degenerative disease. The damagewas initially very severe. The ideal ejection fraction, or EF, for a human heart is 50 to 55. That means that on every pump, your heart should be sending halfof the blood in the left ventrical out of the left ventrical. My EF in August of 2006 was a dire 18. I stopped the coke but started drinking heavily for therest of 2006 and gained weight and despite taking medications for my heart, my EF only modestly improved to about 20, which is so weak that your body is in avery bad spot. In 2007, I progressively drank less and less and lost weight and in mid 2007 by EF was 25. My reading in January of this year showed a big jumpto 38.

That appointment in Jauary was my last trip to the doctors and he just said to try to lose 20 more pounds and reach my ideal weight in the next six months,keep taking the medication and I should be up to an EF in the 40's and maybe close to 50.

When I was first diagnosed with cardiomyopathy, read about the survival rates and at the time was unsure if the disease was going to be reversible, I wasterrified and depressed. Thank God, though that I pulled it all together and now I feel tough and indestructible because I can come back from such a diresituation. I feel like I have been spared an early death for a reason.
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

I was at the cardiologist a few weeks ago. For those who don't know my partying in the summer of 2006 damn near killed me. Massive amounts of cocaine for about three months left me with a weakened heart and a dialated cardiomyopathy, weak heart muscles. The five year survival rate for most people with cardiomyopathy is about 50%. That means that on average, five years after being diagnosed with cardiomyopathy you have a 50% chance of being dead by that point.

Thankfully for me, my cardiomyopathy has proven to be reversible, which is not usually the case and it usually is a chronic a degenerative disease. The damage was initially very severe. The ideal ejection fraction, or EF, for a human heart is 50 to 55. That means that on every pump, your heart should be sending half of the blood in the left ventrical out of the left ventrical. My EF in August of 2006 was a dire 18. I stopped the coke but started drinking heavily for the rest of 2006 and gained weight and despite taking medications for my heart, my EF only modestly improved to about 20, which is so weak that your body is in a very bad spot. In 2007, I progressively drank less and less and lost weight and in mid 2007 by EF was 25. My reading in January of this year showed a big jump to 38.

That appointment in Jauary was my last trip to the doctors and he just said to try to lose 20 more pounds and reach my ideal weight in the next six months, keep taking the medication and I should be up to an EF in the 40's and maybe close to 50.

When I was first diagnosed with cardiomyopathy, read about the survival rates and at the time was unsure if the disease was going to be reversible, I was terrified and depressed. Thank God, though that I pulled it all together and now I feel tough and indestructible because I can come back from such a dire situation. I feel like I have been spared an early death for a reason.


Man, you're lucky to be alive and recovering. Good luck and take care of yourself.
Thank you for your wishes of health for me.

Luckily, I have been recovering and in the end this whole situation could be for the best because I am taking very good care of my body. I am exercising,eating really well, taking vitamins and not drinking much. Most importantly, I can say that I am completely done with ever doing cocaine again or any otherharsh stimulants and/or hard drugs for that matter. Before and during 2006, I had always held my life fairly cheap and put a premium on fun and instantgratification and now I am genuinely valuing my health and living a long time. Not many 23 year olds have that perspective yet.

If I never had had such a traumatic experience, I might have never changed my priorities. I might have spent all of my 20's and 30's wearing my bodydown with cocaine, binge drinking and being out of shape and over weight and died in my 40's or 50's. When you consider the fact that I'll likelybe working in the financial industry, which is notorious for constant stress, long work hours and alcohol and drug fueled partying outside of work, it makes awatershed transformation in my early 20's not just helpful but perhaps vital for survival in the next two or three decades of my life.
on thursday to tell me if my liver was good enough to take a couple products for the gym
today, had to sit in there for like 2 hours before i even got into the room and them another 1/2 hour before the doctor got in there. dude checked me out inlike maybe 6 minutes. i swear i hate going but when you're feeling like death you'll do what it takes to get some meds and of course i'm off allthis week so it's my luck that i'd get the flu.
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