When was the last time you've gone to the doctor's?

My mom is a physician, So you can say....

A. I go everyday.
B. I never go.

She gives me all my shots, medicine, etc.

Other than that, I saw a few doctors at my college 2 years ago for some health issues i had. And really, the only reason i didnt see my mom was because I was12 hours away

They were tryna charge me $80 for medicine at CVS, im like naw b, ima juss have my mom mail em for free.

Edit: Just thought id mention the reason i saw my school doc was cocaine related as well. Saw the guys post on page 1. I never got to the point of seriousheart problems, but I had alot of anxiety and panic attacks after a few weeks of cociane use. Glad to see you made it through, the drug is fun in moderation.The problem is doing it in moderation.
I've also been back and forth to the doctor with heart problems, although my weren't brought on by heavy partying. I didn't even get anything outof mine. I had WPW and a mild case of noncompaction, which turned out to be negligible, thankfully.
2 months ago for a complete check up...

being std clean ftw

having slightly higher then average colesterol ftl...man it's that chipotle.
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