When will 2K9's be on sale?

Apr 9, 2009
Does anyone have any inclination or knowledge of when the GR 2k9's pricetag will be cut. I want to cop for hoopin but price is too steep imo. Any helpwould be wonderful.
They already started cutting prices down. They said in the outlet thread they were even at ross for $35.
Originally Posted by deathmetaldbh

They already started cutting prices down. They said in the outlet thread they were even at ross for $35.

didnt expect it to be that low of a price.
I dont think they ever will be at finishline or foot locker, but ive seen them on websites for about 100
They still Retail @ The FNL and Footlocker in SC, I asked my homeboy an he told me that they haven't sold a pair to his knowledge.

I'll copp the Black/white for $100 for basketball
Yep someone from the Outlet Reports copped the White/Black pair for $35 at Ross.
If you look harder than just FTL/FNL/FA/Champs you can find them for waayy cheaper.
actually saw both colorways on ebay today for $85 free shipping you just gotta look around
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