When You Don't Need To Read Past The Headline: Gay, Mentally Challenged Biracial Male Cheerleader Cl

When I saw this thread earlier this morning, I honestly didn't have it in me to generate a response to such a silly story.

I mean, really, it's complete horse @$%$ what this kid and his oblivious mother are complaining about.

He wants to be a cheerleader--cool...but he needs to realize that he is A MALE and as such, there is a level of decorum that MUST be respected and never broached as a MALE CHEERLEADER. @$%* outta here with that "I want 'proper attire'" and "I want to shake my hips like the girls" bull. He's privileged enough to be a part of the team. He's included in the routines and allowed to cheer. He was even give pom-poms at the end. What more can he possibly want that would honestly still be within the realm of "appropriate"?

And as if Congress didn't have any real issues to deal with, his mom wants to take their "case" to them...
. Completely disregard the fact that we're involved in 2 perilous wars, nursing a doleful economic situation, and trying our best to come to terms with national debt of scary proportions (and that's to say the least); no, forget all that...'cause this woman is seriously of the opinion that her son not being allowed to wear "proper attire" is a situation important enough to pester Congress with.

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