Where do you all rate your self confidence?

10 at all times. i dont have situational self esteem. no matter what i always feel :pimp:

im a positive cat i know everything gonna be straight
Between 7-9.

Comes from my ability to hustle and knowing that I work well under pressure.

I can honestly say I don't give a damn what anyone outside of my close circle thinks.
somewhat below-average self-confidence... 4/10.

although they are very closely related, i think some people are confusing this with self-esteem....
if more/less money makes you confident , i don't think your a naturally confident person.

of all the things ive ever accomplished ive been qualified for maybe 1-2 of them , confidence

is the only thing thats ever set me apart from anyone because im not particularly talented at anything 
7 to 9 out of 10 depending on my mood and situation. Compliments and looks boosts it for extended periods of time though.
This, getting a look from a bad chick will have me feeling like I can pull any woman on the face of the planet. Which is far from reality.
7 to 9 out of 10 depending on my mood and situation. Compliments and looks boosts it for extended periods of time though.
This, getting a look from a bad chick will have me feeling like I can pull any woman on the face of the planet. Which is far from reality.
Oddly enough it depends on what I'm wearing and how I look at the time. If I'm fresh as can be I'm 10/10 but then I'd be bumming in some sweatpants going to 7/11 and be a 2/10. :lol:
I've always had awful self esteem stemming from my childhood and the experiences I had growing up.  I've been through a lot and it greatly impacted the way that I felt about myself.  

However, as of today, I have more self confidence than I've ever had in my life, and I'm so grateful for that feeling.  I would say, the biggest difference was made once I finally decided to change my lifestyle and become more health conscious.  I identified what I didn't like about myself, and some of the things that made me unhappy, and I busted my *** to change them.  I started working out hard and I changed the way that I ate...so as to save money and to be healthier.  I lost 100 pounds in about 13 months.  Believe me...when you are able to accomplish something like this, it boosts your confidence in a major way.  Not only did I look and feel better than I ever did in my life, but I had even more belief in myself and my determination as a person.  Anyone who believes they can do anything...really can.  And it projects itself in your daily interactions with the people around you.  

Another key is to not allow your self worth or your happiness to be defined by external factors and the opinions of others.  Each day should be lived with the goal of becoming a little bit better than you were the day before.  It's hard to do that when you're so concerned with the masses.  Serenity is spawned from within...
I have a lot of haters because I'm labeled "cocky"

Idgaf I rate my confidence a 10/10, I'm the best

5 if I'm breaking out and wolfin' it
I've Always been pretty low in the self esteem area. I'm convinced I have social anxiety issues. Oddly enough I work retail having to interact with strangers all the time. Also very vain as I'll stare at myself in the mirror a lot fixing my hair and always try to dress well.
Not to confident in myself and my abilities or my character.
Doesn't help I'm lazy either. :\
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