Where is this Gif from????? Vol Dat MAss *Answered* Its Rachel McAdams

Not only am I impressed, but I am envious as well.

WOW I did not expect that to be Rachel McAdams. the video above me is great by the way.

Damn black girls really should worry about all this whooty appearing nowadays.
WOW I did not expect that to be Rachel McAdams. the video above me is great by the way.

Damn black girls really should worry about all this whooty appearing nowadays.
wait...in that vid it looks like two different girls. They look like they are different heights but to off set it they have the guy falling onto the couch. Who is the body double?!
wait...in that vid it looks like two different girls. They look like they are different heights but to off set it they have the guy falling onto the couch. Who is the body double?!
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