Where my post count go?

Took the L and had to make a new s/n. '06 join date, but I'm in for the new change altogether. How do you change your sig?
Damn, that sucks I lost my sig and some post. I don't really care about the posts, but SMH at the sig. It's going to take some time getting use to the new style. Also, I joined in '05.~
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first post on new forum... *checking post count

seems right.
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I was 8K + before, now I'm 3.3 thousand what the hell man.

Can Meth or someone else just give us an explanation or something? Maybe some of the content was left behind, but then how are cats gaining posts?

And I've been here since like '03-'04
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I was 8K + before, now I'm 3.3 thousand what the hell man.
Can Meth or someone else just give us an explanation or something? Maybe some of the content was left behind, but then how are cats gaining posts?
And I've been here since like '03-'04

Dirty explained on the last page...be patient.

Lost 4k, #feelsbatman

Guess I get redemption for the 10k post vol. 2 thread.
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