Where or what was I before being born?

Feb 5, 2008
Spin off of the after life thread and something that I have always wondered about.

Obviously there are no right or wrong answers just wanted to hear your theories.

Personally, I believe in reincarnation. How can one just simple not exist for thousands of years?

i dont think we were really anything before birth. probably just nothingness. then when we were born our soul came down and went inside the physical body.
we aren't even a thing. we think we are a thing. its all in the brain. just cause most of can communicate with each other and have a sense of awareness of what being "alive" is, we think we have a soul. but in reality, most of our brains were evolved into working the same way/going a certain direction. its simple but complex at the same time.
you were electrons, neutrons, and protons waiting to be formed.

it's weird to think the perfect circumstances happened to cause us to exist as individuals. any slight difference and we wouldn't exist as the people we are today.

and then I think about alternate realities and the possibility of there being an infinite number of myself existing in parallell worlds. like I could be a doctor in one reality. serial killer in another. stripper in another. president... dead...

I need to stop smoking.
you were electrons, neutrons, and protons waiting to be formed.

it's weird to think the perfect circumstances happened to cause us to exist as individuals. any slight difference and we wouldn't exist as the people we are today.

and then I think about alternate realities and the possibility of there being an infinite number of myself existing in parallell worlds. like I could be a doctor in one reality. serial killer in another. stripper in another. president... dead...

I need to stop smoking.

I think the better question than OP's is what makes you....you?

Was I gonna be born regardless? But in a different body. Cause technically speaking we all come from some cell millions or billions of years ago. There was a time where you didn't even exist in your dads junk because he didn't exist, and there was a time where your dad didn't exist because your grandpa didn't exist yet ect. So we all actually existed for who knows how long in some microscopic form even if your great great great great great ect. Grandpa experienced life first before you.

But going back to my question...it's pertains to the body and soul. What I just described would be your physical self. But let's say my parents never met. Would I have still been born regardless but in a different body? Considering the perfect circumstances that would have to occurred for your parents to walk the earth for 30 years or so...Talked to thousands of differ people, have walked past millions..but they found eachother. then considering the tiniest drop of sperm could populate an entire city but you were the one that was born. Are we really thwt lucky? or is it something more simple. Given those odds, i feel that having a soul would somehow have to be more likely even with no proof. Why are you looking through your eyes and why am I looking through mine? Why. If I look into your eyes and think..you're experiencing the same thing as me...just under different circumstances. But its crazy to think that to me, you could be anyone. You will always be anyone. Because you're not me. So could I have been anyone? But I just happened to be thrown into one of the physical bodies apart of the longgggggg list of evolution and procreating.

Without the possibility of a soul OP your answer is easy. Considereing earth hasnt been here forever you simply didn't exist. Although I'm sure in some crazy unexplainable away you were still apart of the universe as we all are. But You had to wait for billions of years of evolution so you could one day show up in your dads nut sack. With a soul though....that's the real question.

I don't wanna stop smoking :D
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