Where to buy Moissanite rings?

May 25, 2007
I'm planning on buying my significant other a promise ring but with a moissanite gem instead of a diamond, princess cut preferably.  Can anyone help me with sites or information on where and what I should be looking at?
Yep I did. my Girl loves them. I also buy them for myself.

You even got all kinds of ladies saying they are better then real diamond in a forum regard this.

type in google " Moissanite forum" its the betterthendiamond forum. Everything you need to ask and know is their. Lots of ladies on that forum as far as reviews and websites to buy from
Originally Posted by Zyzz

ben baller can hook it up son
just check authorized retailers in your area...once u see one in person, you'll wonder why u aint cop one sooner.

matter fact, lax sells em too.
I didn't know so many people were still brainwashed by DeBeers.
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