Where to find _____ cereal? vol. Waffle Crisp > ____

Haven't eaten cereal in forever... best peanut butter cereal..

Lovin Apple Jacks and Fruit Loops but DAMN $5 A box!!!!!!!
used to mess with the rice crispie treat cereal all the time back in 2007-10... cant stand them anymore.
Bought two boxes of Waffle Crisp from Giant Eagle the other day and I wonder how I went so long without it.

Post better never retire it. Best cereal ever...by miles.
I was all about Berry Berry Kix. I finally found it at Target in North Carolina, but I could NEVER find it in California when I lived there. Recently ate a box of Oops All Berries. My %*@* was turqoise green each time.
I need any of the following -

Waffle Crisp
Oreo O's
Rice Krispie Treats

The second I see these 
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