Where were you on September 11th, 2001?

Feb 20, 2009
When I heard the news I was on my way home from school, couldn't believe it as I watched my TV.. It was so surreal

What were you doing NT when you heard the news?
In my English class. Every class did nothing throughout the day but watch the news. I was in my math class trying to look up my teacher's skirt as shetried to explain what happened to us.
5th grade, i saw the smoke from my classroom... then my mom picked me up and took me home... scary day because we didnt hear from my dad for 2 days... since heworked in Jersey and all the bridges had closed.
Drinkin a Yoo-Hoo and eatin a pretzel in 5th grade during snack time.
Walkin into Spanish II, other spanish teacher knocked on the door, told us the first tower was hit, turned the tv on and seen the 2nd one hit. After theystopped em in the Pentagon it was rumors sayin they was gon hit 3mile Island which had ppl back in Harrisburg noid as hell
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

In school... came home to hear the news that my mom was in the North tower... smh
Whoa really man? What ended up happening....?
Sophomore in high school, history class. Then that evening, watching the news, I saw the one of the towers fall down live.
Just woke up and turned on the TV, something I rarely do before going to school.
I believe it my first week of HS.
woke up to Howard Stern talking about it on the radio. I didn't believe him cuz he usually makes stuff up, that is until i turned on the tv and saw whatwas happening

had to drag my older brother out of bed and put him in front of the tv in order for him to believe it
On the way to school(late) when the towers were hit, I remember having the TV on getting ready and seen the news that something happened

Got to school and walked into my history class, and the TV was on everyone was watching in awe. My history teacher told us that we would remember everything wedid that day forever like they remember Pearl Harbor. He was right

btw, i wonder if they are gonna show 102 minutes that changed America on the history channel again this 9/11
I was in the bathroom, taking my morning piss and the walls in there were pretty thin so i could hear the next apartment and i heard that a plane hit thetower..
in 5th grade. 8th period math class. i had no clue that it had happened until i heard kids getting called down to the main office damn near every minutebecause their parents were picking them up from school. my aunt and grandmother came to get me but apparently the line was too long because i just went home asusual that day.
Very sorry to hear that, ATFK.

I was living in Newfoundland at the time, and for whatever reason after school my brother and I were gonna go a family friend's house after school to hangwith their kids. Right when we got in the door the mom told us to just go hang downstairs. She was glued to the TV crying the whole time we were there.
I was in class and we had a view of the towers so we saw the planes hitting the towers, they didnt let no kids go home without a parent i was heated.
in 8th grade...

had the sony discman listenin to the blueprint w/ my head down lmao...

i passed out, woke up to see everyone crying....

they turned on the tv, im sure u know the rest...

every1 got picked up, still didn't belive it when i saw it.
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