Where were you on September 11th, 2001?

7th grade English class.
SMH at me for thinking it wasnt a big deal the day it happened. When I went home that day I realized it was a big deal.

Sophomore year. Louisburg College; Louisburg, NC - I was sitting in my dorm room preparing a speech for my Public Speaking class at 12. I turned the tv on totake a break. I turned maybe 1 minute before the second plane hit. I called my Mom and we sat on the phone for about an hour watching ABC news.
Originally Posted by KiNGJRMZair23

SMH at me for thinking it wasnt a big deal the day it happened. When I went home that day I realized it was a big deal.

Similar story... at the time I was watching, it didn't occur to me that this was a Terrorist Act and that the Towers were filled with people. I didn'tconnect the two. So as the Towers fell, it didn't strike me that I was literally watching thousands of lives ending on live television.

I went to class & that's when I think I got a better understanding. My Professor was a former National Guard and I watched this 60+ yr. old man breakdown in tears in front of the class. Probably the most poignant and lasting memory I've ever had inside a classroom.


8th grade Spanish I class first period. It was just a normal day until the principal announced on the intercom that the WTC has been hit by the hijackedplanes. The teacher turned on the TV and we just watched the footage of the smoke rising, debris falling, and the towers collapsing down to the ground.
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