Which 2 body parts are good to workout together?



Abs/lower back

quads/hams(abs/lower back)

BTW, with a name like "IronmanFitness" shouldn't we be asking you questions?
yea but my question was what other ppl do....my sn has to do more with running bc im a runner...its just motivational lol
I also prefer to switch biceps and triceps to

chest / biceps instead of triceps
back / triceps instead of biceps

since you're already working your triceps while working your chest.....you'll be better off putting the triceps on a different day.

but people have been doing chest/triceps for years so its not all that bad.
Damnit does this mean that I should switch my workouts?

I do:


Is it bad to do biceps, triceps in same day?
Carlos was on point with that list

i do chest triceps
lower back abs
quads hams
back biceps shoulders
If you wanna look big do something called supersets. Do muscles that are "opposite" each other.

Ex: Bi/Tri
For me right now its

Legs/Lower Back
I do:

I also alternate between doing abs & cardio, both twice a week.
right now im doing rippetoes programs.

workout A- squat, deadlift, bench press, weighted dips
workout B- squat, bent over row, standing military press, weighted pull-ups
all are done for 3 sets with 5 reps per set

workout mon, wed, fri doing an A B A workout for a week then B A B workout the next and you keep alternating.

on fridays i do 3 sets of bicep curls and 3 sets of tricep pulldown

it really concentrates on adding weight to each workout every week.

it looks rather intense, and it is, but i have made the most gains in the last year since ive been working out (6 years).
How long do you guys lift weights for?

Usually I lift for 40 mins to 1 hour.

I've read that once you go over 1 hour of weights it becomes counter productive to the body.

I see dudes in the gym lift for 1.5 hours+, I dont know where they get the energy.

The more experienced guys usually lift really heavy for about 45 mins then go home.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

How long do you guys lift weights for?

Usually I lift for 40 mins to 1 hour.

I've read that once you go over 1 hour of weights it becomes counter productive to the body.

I see dudes in the gym lift for 1.5 hours+, I dont know where they get the energy.

The more experienced guys usually lift really heavy for about 45 mins then go home.

Yeah after an hour your body release a hormone that actually eats up muscle which is why its counter productive.
yeah not ever over an hour.

if the gym is empty, i could be done in 30 mins if im efficient. 40-50 is prob my avg.
This is what I do and I feel it is optimal if you wanna get stronger.

Legs / Abs
Shoulders / Biceps
Chest / Triceps

Hit the core exercises (squats, deadlifts, benchpress, military press and even dips) hard. I do multiple sets on those exercises. If I train legs for 45-50minutes I'm squatting at least 30 minutes. Same thing with deadlifts. I'm not really that extreme on bench press and shoulder/military press yet butI'm gonna start.

Btw. if you wanna get more explosive and jump higher. do 4-6 max jumps between all sets. I've gained 4 inch in like a month just by doing that.
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