Which NTer has the most dated and busted cell phone?

I assume dudes with these basic phones have long term girlfriends, because chickenheads aint messing with dudes who dont have a smartphone
Exactly, most girls use to look at a man's shoes first.Nowadays girls are looking at phones first. Society is becoming more materialistic by the day.
Smartphones have so many more advantages other than just talk and text....finding places to eat and addresses on the go, sending emails, taking decent pics, storing music etc.

Makes life that much easier.
^as someone who broke his iphone and had to use a bar phone for 2 months i completely agree.
People with broken phones from 2006, you know that all carriers have free smartphones now right? At AT&T you can get the iPhone 4 with a new contract/renewal. No need to be carrying around 50% of a phone like that Blackberry :lol:
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I still use a BB Pearl (1st gen) daily. 
Ive used this for a couple of weeks/months srs lol. My keyboard was buggin and was better without it. #poor Sometimes id feel some static and had to marker the letters back on every week.


View media item 540385

damn my g...

the struggle is so real in this pic.


:smh: at dudes caring what a bird thinks about their phone.

doing it wrong.
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I use a Blackberry 7290 for work emails, I keep trying to get something newer, but the IT guys only want me getting my work emails on this old tank. I swear they've got a closet full of them because about once a year I end up having issues where it'll just stop connecting to the network and then it'll start spitting out a SIM missing message. I take it down to our IT department and boom 40 minutes later they've got me running out with a "new" 7290.

My personal phone is an iPhone 4s, I upgrade every other model on iPhones so I should be getting a new one this year when they announce it.
iphone 3gs with a pretty scratched up back from being in a battery case.

no volume buttons. The glue wore off.

All kinds of dust in the phone's crevices.

Dropped more times then I can remember.

Some apps don't even work, such as the app store.

Relatively slow when compared to phones nowadays.

The screen scratchlessness is at about a 4.95 out of 5.
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