Which NTer is this? NYC Man Earns $55,000 A Year Peddling Candy On Subway

Never seen him, but I see people that sell candy on the train all the time. I like when they keep it real instead of saying they raising money for some charity when charities give you their own chocolates.

Also see people sell incenses, soap, batteries, earbuds, books, and once I saw some guy trying to sell cd's on how to step your game up.
It's technically illegal, but a good hustle. There's a dude who during the playoffs just walks up and down the blvd with those 20oz Nestle bottled waters that come 24 in a pack for $2 at Sam's in a cooler that has wheels and sells them for $2 each. Remember, in OKC in the summer it's WELL over 100 so people walking from the arena to their car, or their car to the steakhouse, or whatever they have going on purchase from him. $46 profit per $2 case.
Originally Posted by djuzi05

I was good until the last 10 seconds

lol this.
That showed me dude is def a NTer
If he claims hes making 55K a year, that means hes making about 150 dollars a day in cash. at 1 dollar per item thats a lot of items to move in one day. not to mention the cost of the actual candy it self. he has to make even more than 150 per day
Originally Posted by bboi4lif3

Originally Posted by whyte1der05five


He should have never opened his mouth about how much he makes

Dudes are gonna start robbing him more often ijs. Props to dude & his hustle though.
real life...
not only that but more people are going to try and hop on it
55k by selling candies? really?
not to hate and i also respect his hustle, but he better be filling out those tax papers.
I'm getting taxed out the butt and this dude is keeping everything? Even little shops aren't making 55k selling candies alone.
ok...i guess i am hatin.
Originally Posted by prymone

great idea.. its illegal in chicago tho..

LMAO this stops noone...especially with the economy, it's like a street market in Mexico every day over by me on the Southwest Side...elotes, tamales and champurrado, Mexican candy, bootlegs, etc. STILL even as the weather is getting colder...
Originally Posted by LoveOfTheGame916


How does dude keep from getting robbed though? Does he keep a burner on him?
If you catch him at the end of the day, is it really worth it to rob a guy selling candy who has, at most, $150?  
Much easier to just snatch an iPhone or Android device from someone, if that's your thing
At $55,000 a year my dude would have to move $150 worth of candy/snacks a day. I doubt he's making $55K a year... $150 worth of snacks a day is ALOT. 

No hate tho... Always good to see dudes make positive moves with what they got. Props. 
^ you still have to pay on your profits too though. If that was true anyone who provides any goods wouldn't be paying more than sales tax. Unfortunately for most small businesses it doesn't work like that.
55g's to work 7 days a week, probably day and night too.

On his grind working hard, but not worth it to me.
Originally Posted by SleepyBlueDemon

Originally Posted by prymone

great idea.. its illegal in chicago tho..

LMAO this stops noone...especially with the economy, it's like a street market in Mexico every day over by me on the Southwest Side...elotes, tamales and champurrado, Mexican candy, bootlegs, etc. STILL even as the weather is getting colder...
word, i'm in wicker park & this dude posts up right outside this mexican grocery/restaurant every day selling bootlegs & elotes.. literally every damn day regardless of weather.

at the end of the video though.. guess you gotta feel comfortable when dealing candy all day on your feet.
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