Which of these chicks from Match.com should I go out with?

Door number 1 looks like an idiot, attractive though. I would go with 2 personally. Number 3 may very well be the closet freak though.
So you dudes really goin to let OP slide for being on Match.com?

I refuse to believe them broads are on that site.
Originally Posted by Diego

So you dudes really goin to let OP slide for being on Match.com?
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

"forcefully eclectic" -- big red flag
stay away

I'd personally holler @ 3.

I like 4's tattoo's, but she seems like she'd either be a stage 5 clinger or unhygenic.

Word up.

#1 seems like she plays the role. Got her ******* all out in the profile pic, the weave is poppin, but when you get at her its gonna be some complications. She's gonna make you wanna' double date with her bitter girlfriend that has a drinking problem and a propensity to date undercover bruva's.

Then when you get her home she gonna front like she's on her period but in reality she didn't shave so she doesn't feel confident in her sexual abilities because she bites when she gives dome.

You probably won't call her again and then she blows your phone up for six to five weeks.

That's how its gonna go down g.

27" Zenith

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