which sports leave you the healtiest?


formerly m4riol
Sep 24, 2008
just an inquiry I've come across recently, after sports retirement which can differ depending on the sports obviously would leave a person healthier in the long run compared to other sports?

 In football they say that a a running back's average career span is 6 years. in a Documentary called Power politics, not just a game average playtime in the NFL is 3.5 years, players lifespans get cut dwon by 20 years and I heard a quote i heard was "if you want to play in the nfl, say goodbye to your mid-life" 1 in 3 players get a concussion in their career.

professional wrestling is probably the worst in my opinion, over 100 have died before the age of 50 in the past decade.

I don't know about many other sports but as a soccer fan many greats go on to old age.

My guess would be bowling or golf.... I'd want to throw poker in there too but I'm sure the stress of that wears on you.

Wrestling shouldn't really be counted because those entertainers literally put their body thru hell and back with the amount of roids, HGH, test, etc they be using.
gymnastics? water polo? how are we supposed to know? we're not scientists lol
Baseball. Sure you get banged up here and there but most players retire around their late 30s maybe 40s. With no actual life/death issues or major health issues.
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Cup stacking
Show me a fat soccer player, swimmer, or tennis player.

Actually, there are some pudgy tennis players.

Throw down soccer and swimming as my answers.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Show me a fat soccer player, swimmer, or tennis player.

Actually, there are some pudgy tennis players.

Throw down soccer and swimming as my answers.



mentally difficult? has to be SCII

looking up to see yourself getting 6raxed is traumatic.

terran so OP...
Soccer actually has a very high concussion rate. Not on par with football but far greater than basketball or baseball.

The sports is currently going through its own head medicine crisis similar to what we recently saw with the NFL.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I respectfully disagree with anyone who says Tennis.
Because... ?
Stomping your feet on concrete for up to 4 hours a match for over half a year certainly will take a toll on your knees.

Back problems are common injury among professional Tennis players.

Why do you think professional Tennis players retire before their mid 30's? It's such a demanding sport.
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