White Freshman Who Terrorized Her Black Roommate Gets Privilege

Although i believe in this case the victim is telling the truth, alot of these stories about racist/hate crimes are proving to be hoaxes. When i hear these stories nowadays i'm pretty skeptical until i see proof.

Just a few this week:




come here for a second son...

Hate Crime Not Among Charges for Connecticut Student Who Bragged About Tainting Roommate’s Personal Items: Report

Brianna Brochu is seen in a booking photo obtained by WTIC.


The extent to which one Connecticut student was allegedly willing to go to harass her black roommate has gripped headlines, and many activists have called for the aggressor to face hate crime charges.

But when ex-University of Hartford student Brianna Brochu, 18, appeared in court on Tuesday, prosecutors signaled that a hate crime count was unlikely to be added to her charges of misdemeanor criminal mischief and breach of peace, according to the Associated Press.

In an Instagram post bragging about how she contaminated her roomate Jazzy Rowe’s belongings, Brochu wrote: “After one and a half months spitting in her coconut oil, putting moldy clam dip in her lotions, rubbing used tampons on her backpack, putting her toothbrush places where the sun doesn’t shine, and so much more, I can finally say goodbye to Jamaican Barbie.”

The state NAACP and other groups have called on prosecutors to hand down felony hate crime charges to the white student, but her lawyer said he does not expect such charges to be filed, the AP reported.

“I think that when it’s all said and done, what you’re going to see is that there was nothing racist that motivated this,” he said outside the courthouse. “These were two students who were placed together … who didn’t like each other … and it escalated.”

But Rowe has said she requested a room change because she felt ostracized by Brochu, the arrest warrant states. Rowe eventually developed an unexplained “severe throat pain” while living with Brochu, that bothered her to the point where she couldn’t speak or sleep.

Brochu was arrested and expelled, but Rowe said she felt like the school would have acted differently if the roles were reversed. She told KTLA sister station WTIC that school officials warned her to not to speak publicly about what happened, threatening to remove her from campus.

Brochu’s lawyer told the Hartford Courant she is expected to enter a plea on Dec. 18.
Editorial: University of Hartford Hate Crime is Part of a Growing Trend


Over the past few months, reports of racism, bigotry and hate crimes have been appearing all over the nation. Whether these acts are against certain races, sexualities or cultures, they are incredibly hurtful and dangerous events not only for the victims involved, but also for the society that they occur in. While these incidents may seem like a foreign concept to our little UConn bubble, recently, hate crimes are popping up much closer to home, with one recently occurring at the University of Hartford.

The incident at the University of Hartford was brought to light at the end of October, when a freshman student, Brianna Brochu, posted on social media about the way she had harassed her roommate, Chennel Rowe, in order to force her to move out of the room. In her post on Instagram, Brochu posted, “after one and a half months spitting in her coconut oil, putting moldy clam dip in her lotions, rubbing used tampons on her backpack, putting her toothbrush places where the sun doesn’t shine, and so much more, I can finally say goodbye to Jamaican Barbie.” Once this post was seen by other people in the residence hall, including some of Rowe’s friends, it was brought to administration and authorities in the university.

Brochu was expelled from the university shortly after the revelations about her actions came to light, and has since been arrested on charges of breach of peace and criminal mischief. The Connecticut branch of the NAACP also would like a hate crime charge added to her case.

However, despite all of the horrible actions that Brochu admitted to in her social media posts, the victim, Rowe, said that she did not feel that the university took her claims seriously or with enough vigilance. In a video that she posted to her Facebook account, Rowe explained how the school did not seem to act urgently in response to her case, and that she felt if the race roles were reversed, they would have.

These hate crimes, in addition to how we deal with them, are an issue in America that needs to be stopped. Not only are they heinous and just downright wrong, but they are taking away the freedoms of thousands of Americans, whether they are directly affected or not. Having a hate crime perpetrated against you is nothing that anyone should ever have to live through, but if it does occur, we have to make sure that our establishments, be it our schools, our workplaces, or our government, are prepared to handle them effectively and with a sense of urgency. More than that, we need to ensure that we, as students, look after each other like students at the University of Hartford tried to do for Rowe in the aftermath of this crime.

This growing trend of hate crimes is not something we should be proud of, and is not something we should try to put on the back burner. It is an issue that needs to be addressed now, before more of our citizens feel that they are being intimidated or harassed into submission.
Conn. Governor Condemns Alleged Acts in Roommate Case


Conn. Governor Condemns Alleged Acts in Roommate Case

Connecticut Governor Dannel P. Malloy on Thursday condemned the actions of a white freshman at the University of Hartford who allegedly smeared bodily fluids on her black roommate’s property and disparaged her as “Jamaican Barbie” on social media.

Malloy’s spokesman, Chris Collibee, said in a written statement that the allegations “are deeply disturbing and shameful.”

“Governor Malloy strongly condemns these alleged, heinous actions and shares concern for the young woman who was the victim of these heinous acts,” Collibee said. “There is no place for discrimination, hate crimes, or bullying in our society — much less in our places of education.”

The comments came after university president Greg Woodward met with students Thursday to discuss their concerns following the weekend arrest of Brianna Brochu, 18.

Woodward said Wednesday that Brochu was no longer enrolled at the university, following her arrest in a lurid case that authorities say was a campaign of intimidation and bigotry.

Brochu is free on $1,000 bail following her court appearance Wednesday on charges of breach of the peace and criminal mischief.

West Hartford police said in an incident summary that they’re seeking an additional charge of “intimidation based on bigotry or bias.” Brochu couldn’t be reached for comment Thursday.

The harrowing details of the case have generated a flurry of criticism on social media and sparked the online movement Justice for Jazzy, a reference to the nickname of the alleged victim, Chennel Rowe.

A West Hartford police report posted to the MassLive website said Brochu admitted to police that she rubbed her “tampon blood” on Rowe’s backpack and also licked Rowe’s plate, fork, and spoon and mixed her lotions together.

The report said Brochu claimed she was only joking when she bragged about additional actions in a shocking post to Instagram last month, shortly after Rowe moved out.

“Finally did it yo girl got rid of her roommate!!” Brochu wrote, according to the report. “After 1½ month [sic] of spitting in her coconut oil, putting moldy clam dip in her lotions, rubbing used tampons oh [sic] her backpack, putting her toothbrush places where the sun doesn’t shine, and so much more I can finally say goodbye Jamaican Barbie.”

Rowe also spoke to police, saying she felt “ostracized” by Brochu from the start of the academic year, the report said. She said Brochu ignored her and treated her like a “ghost,” prompting her to seek a room change, according to the report.

Rowe also experienced “severe throat pain” before moving out, and a campus nurse noted the presence of bacteria in her throat, the report said.

Brochu told police she targeted Rowe’s property as an act of retaliation.

The report said she accused Rowe of creating a “hostile environment” in the room and told officers that she had lashed out in response to Rowe’s “rude behavior, not compromising, and posting Snapchat videos of me sleeping and making fun of me snoring.”

Brochu said she also requested a room change and did not intend to sicken Rowe, the report said.

Rowe also spoke out on social media earlier this week, recounting her ordeal in a lengthy Facebook live video that had garnered more than 1.1 million views as of Thursday.

“She posted what she’s been doing,” an incredulous Rowe said in the video. “She has her period bloodstains on my bag.” Rowe expressed frustration about the way university officials handled the case. She said she didn’t find out about the incidents involving Brochu until after she moved.

Woodward defended the school’s handling of the case in a statement Wednesday, saying he met with Rowe and “reiterated my personal commitment to ensuring she has all available personal and academic resources the university can provide.”

He said, “The university took action immediately once these allegations were brought to our attention. University Public Safety was first notified and responded to this incident at 11:48 p.m. on Oct. 17. The reprehensible conduct of the involved student was not known by the victim or the university until that time.”

Local police were alerted by 1:12 a.m., and a “no-contact order” was in place an hour later, Woodward said.

Among the university students who’ve expressed support for Rowe is Shyan Weir, president of the school’s Caribbean American Student Association.

“Tonight I chose to use my voice to bring justice for jazzy and all of our neglected students at the University of Hartford,” Weir wrote in a Facebook posting Wednesday night.

West Hartford Town Manager Matt Hart defended law enforcement’s handling of the case in an e-mail message.

“From my perspective, both the university and the West Hartford Police Department responded to the incident in a timely way,” Hart wrote. “Since the case is still open, it would be inappropriate for me to comment in more detail.”

Hart also said his town takes “great pride in our diversity. We are also proud to be the home of the UHA campus along with our neighboring community, the city of Hartford. We have a good working relationship with the university and the city.”
Ex-student charged in body fluids case is due back in court


HARTFORD, Conn. — A former college student accused of smearing body fluids on her roommate’s belongings is set to return to court.

Brianna Brochu is scheduled to appear Monday in Hartford Superior Court, where civil rights advocates are waiting to see if hate crime charges will be filed.

Police say the former University of Hartford student, who is white, wrote on Instagram about rubbing used tampons on her black roommate’s backpack and putting her roommate’s toothbrush “where the sun doesn’t shine.” Her roommate said she developed throat pain.

The 18-year-old Harwinton resident was charged in October with misdemeanor criminal mischief and breach of peace. The state NAACP has called for hate crime charges. Prosecutors say they’re still investigating.

Brochu’s lawyer, Tom Stevens, has said his client’s actions weren’t racially motivated.
Black roommate whose belongings were smeared with period blood by her white roommate goes to court to SUPPORT her rehabilitation and lenient sentence

  • Brianna Brochu, 18, appeared in Hartford court Monday for a probation hearing
  • Brochu got two years of accelerated rehabilitation by Judge Omar A. Williams
  • The program could result in criminal charges being erased from Brochu's record
  • The University of Hartford student is accused of tormenting her former roommate Chennell Rowe and smearing period blood on her belongings
  • Brochu, who is white, boasted on Instagram and called Rowe 'Jamaican Barbie'
  • She is now facing misdemeanor criminal mischief charges in Connecticut
  • Brochu's lawyer said the incidents were not racially motivated and she was upset over a Snapchat video Rowe shared of her snoring
  • Brochu had told police her actions were in retaliation for Rowe's 'rude behavior'

So sick of this turning the other cheek bull****.

Always the same. Cops shoot your family member "I forgive you", white supremacist shoots up your church "I forgive you", sub-basic Becky tries to poison you with her body fluids, live and un-cut, "I forgive you". All in hopes that racist white folks will see we're really nice people and maybe will consider stop killing us one day, maybe
So this piglet is facing zero real consequences? Not surprised given her skin color.
Black roommate whose belongings were smeared with period blood by her white roommate goes to court to SUPPORT her rehabilitation and lenient sentence

  • Brianna Brochu, 18, appeared in Hartford court Monday for a probation hearing
  • Brochu got two years of accelerated rehabilitation by Judge Omar A. Williams
  • The program could result in criminal charges being erased from Brochu's record
  • The University of Hartford student is accused of tormenting her former roommate Chennell Rowe and smearing period blood on her belongings
  • Brochu, who is white, boasted on Instagram and called Rowe 'Jamaican Barbie'
  • She is now facing misdemeanor criminal mischief charges in Connecticut
  • Brochu's lawyer said the incidents were not racially motivated and she was upset over a Snapchat video Rowe shared of her snoring
  • Brochu had told police her actions were in retaliation for Rowe's 'rude behavior'


When being petty goes wrong.
Man I swear too many of us have this sickness. We feel like we have to forgive people that harm us or that do foul ****.

White people still ain't "forgave" OJ :lol: :smh:

Let that dirty broad get her time. You think she would help you if the tables were turned? All these white people that's been getting away with harming black people, as racist as the court system has been and you showing up to further that agenda. :smh:
Maaaaan that's some BS if she gets off without any consequences. She gonna be bragging all her friends and family for the rest of her life "tee hee, I was such a silly prankster in college. I used to rub bloody tampons on my roommates stuff. I was so crazy haha!"

And her kids are gonna be the same. And their kids will be the same. Bigot circle of life.
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