Who are your top 3 favorite players NOT on your favorite team? vol. nba

Aug 31, 2006
For me, in order;


Wade-I obviously really disliked him when he had Shaq, but once that passed I really grew to respect his game/personality. Especially after the Olympic games.  I gotta say he's my fav player not on the Lakers


Dirk-I've liked dudes game since the beginning.  He's a beast, and has that quiet swagger on the court


Deron-Best PG in the nba in my opinion. I immediately liked him more than CP3 upon joining the league. He can do anything on the court, has both offensive and defensive game

Artest would have been #1 on this list last year, but he is now on my team. Became one of my fav's as a Pacer

edit: How could i forget about Bdiddy? Smh at me
John Wall(unless Washington drafts Turner)
kobe Bryant
Derrick Rose
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