who are your top 5 guitarist ever


And I'm Gone!

Jimmy Page
Jimi Hendrix
Tom Morello
John Frusciante
Omar from TMV

LOL @ Sparta being better than Mars Volta and not even close to even touching At The Drive-In.

ATDI > TMV > Sparta
for the Lupe comment.

I never said they were better, I said I prefer them more.  Half the time Cedric's vocals sound like they put a microphone on the playground of an all girls elementary school at recess and Omar loses touch with reality a lot of times when he's playing.  That's my opinion.  Suck it.

- Tical.
top 5 skillz

s. vai
van halen (drawing a blank, so ill go w him)
kev shields from MBV makes the best noise ,
and Davinci played the lute, my guess is : he shredddded...
Top 5:
Jimi Hendrix
Jimmy Paige
Stevie Ray Vaughn (don't know why many of you are leaving him out of the discussion)
Eric Clapton
Tom Morello

Honorable Mention:
Tommy Bolin
Steve Lukather
Eddie Van Halen
Originally Posted by TakedownKid

Top 5:
Jimi Hendrix
Jimmy Paige
Stevie Ray Vaughn (don't know why many of you are leaving him out of the discussion)
Eric Clapton
Tom Morello

Honorable Mention:
Tommy Bolin
Steve Lukather
Eddie Van Halen
for real i forgot about steve ray and i also want to metion kirk hammett
Originally Posted by Hendrix Watermelon

Originally Posted by classified

at the drive in > sparta
Yep. Time listens to TMV? lol whut. nice bruh
rap is bs right now... i listen to %**$ load of rock... TMV, mew, the appleseed cast, and a few others... still gettin put on to more %**$... i been %#+%$# wit this canadian indie band Closed For Tonight... check em out.... them dudes are ill...
IMO order:

1. Jimi Hendrix
2. Eric Clapton
3. Stevie Ray Vaughan (I think these are undisputed as the top three)
4. David Gilmour
5. Tom Morello for his distortion magic and weird sounds.... it was tough to think of a fifth

Originally Posted by jupiterjaywall

I kid, I kid.
Wayne is definitely top 1000 though..

I'd venture to say that Weezy is in the lower 5-10% of all serious guitar players. I know at least 20 people offhand on my campus that are worlds better than him.

wes borland, robin finck, page hamilton, tom morello, billy howerdel

Dude from Limp Bizkit??

My Favoirte guitarist ever:

Omar rodriguez-lopez

The way he evolved from ATDI to TMV as a musician was amazing hearing from one band to the next. I love ATDI and thats how i discovered the duo of omar and cedric but i completely utterly disgustingly disagree at ATDI being a better band than TMV, and i say that with disbelieve that it was said but of course that is my opinion. Tical- if that is what you hear from cedrics voice, then i just feel more unfortunate to the situation that you are not hearing the beautiful vocals he has created (Im talking DITC, Frances, and Amp- after those 3 albums and just a bit in Amp, i @!%@@$# hate his voice now and how he changed his vocals to some nasal congested sound, bedlam and octahedron were torture and sadness of what he did to his voice)
Originally Posted by JOSH4523

My Favoirte guitarist ever:

Omar rodriguez-lopez

The way he evolved from ATDI to TMV as a musician was amazing hearing from one band to the next. I love ATDI and thats how i discovered the duo of omar and cedric but i completely utterly disgustingly disagree at ATDI being a better band than TMV, and i say that with disbelieve that it was said but of course that is my opinion. Tical- if that is what you hear from cedrics voice, then i just feel more unfortunate to the situation that you are not hearing the beautiful vocals he has created (Im talking DITC, Frances, and Amp- after those 3 albums and just a bit in Amp, i @!%@@$# hate his voice now and how he changed his vocals to some nasal congested sound, bedlam and octahedron were torture and sadness of what he did to his voice)

I agree with the part in parenthesis 100%.  There are parts where he is amazing, and there are parts where he is shrill and unlistenable.  Overall, I think Jim Ward knows his limits more which allows his lyrics to be heard, which I also happen to identify with more than Cedric's.  "Atlas", "Lines In Sand", "Unstitch Your Mouth", "The Most Vicious Crime", "Taking Back Control", "Collapse", etc. etc.

I feel like TMV has flashes of absolute brilliance but as a whole I think they struggle with putting songs together.  Take "Day of the Baphomets" for example; that bass solo at the beginning is one of the most amazing things recorded in the past 15 years to me, but they ruin it a minute in with the screaming, the out of place guitar, and the crappy saxophone over it.  Another example, "The Widow"; the whole feeling and mood that song sets for the first three minutes is incredible, but then, for some reason, they decided it needed to have guitar with all these backward and weird effects that fit nowhere in the song for the next three minutes.  They disappoint me a lot of times with stuff like this.

- Tical.
Ill agree to disagree, but i do somewhat agree with some unnecessary sounds, as far as Amp, there were parts were i felt should have been taken out or certain songs having certain parts that should of been cut, which would have made the record a classic (for me). As for Frances, i understand the reason for the "weird effects" because they were equally important with the music that created the aura of the entire album, the effects are more of transitions that would feel like the songs were being born out of the ambiance/effects. Your example for "The widow", i was like what the %%!@ are these sounds of the morgue and frogs but i understand and more so realized by grasping the album that it was something amazing for the complete project , i realized right after the widow, is where the transition from the widow to L'Via begins. Anyways, i completely understand how you feel about the ambiance, after playing the record over and over and over again, there were times and still to this day where i just wanted to hear just the songs and no ambiance, which is why i now have a version of frances without all the ambiance and just the songs.
Originally Posted by JOSH4523

Ill agree to disagree, but i do somewhat agree with some unnecessary sounds, as far as Amp, there were parts were i felt should have been taken out or certain songs having certain parts that should of been cut, which would have made the record a classic (for me). As for Frances, i understand the reason for the "weird effects" because they were equally important with the music that created the aura of the entire album, the effects are more of transitions that would feel like the songs were being born out of the ambiance/effects. Your example for "The widow", i was like what the %%!@ are these sounds of the morgue and frogs but i understand and more so realized by grasping the album that it was something amazing for the complete project , i realized right after the widow, is where the transition from the widow to L'Via begins. Anyways, i completely understand how you feel about the ambiance, after playing the record over and over and over again, there were times and still to this day where i just wanted to hear just the songs and no ambiance, which is why i now have a version of frances without all the ambiance and just the songs.

I wouldn't say we have to agree to disagree due to the fact that it seems our opinions on them are almost exactly the same; I enjoy The Mars Volta immensely as well.  The only thing that's different is I prefer Sparta because of the faults that we've both recognized in The Mars Volta.

- Tical.
Buckethead is pretty amazing, can play any style with the best of them.  Too bad he's bat $!*% crazy...

- Tical.
I don't really listen to a lot of Rock music, but im kinda surprised no ones even mentioned Slash at all
I guess I meant to say about disagreeing, was that TMV is my favorite music artist of all time and I love Cedric's vocals when he sounded like a "little girl". I feel that TMV are light years ahead of omars previous band and though I like Sparta also, they are my least favorite out of the 3 and haven't created an album that has changed/added to the progression of rock music and music in general (genre bending/completely original and creative music). Also, even though I felt like some parts should be cut out, I love Amp as it is from Cedric's vocals, omars meshing of rock, punk, jazz, etc..in Amp to the very prominent feel of jazz with the sax sections throughout the record, day of the baphomets happens to be my favorite song from Amp lol. Ultimately I respect and understand where you coming from. Hooray for music
Well for the record, Amp is my favorite of theirs as well.  I've listened to "Day of the Baphomets" countless times because of the bass (I'm a bassist) and I think "Vicarious Atonement" is genius.  The little girl comment was pointing at the fact that a lot of times he screams very shrilly, not at the tone in which he sings.  You are definitely correct in saying TMV is more unique and original than Sparta and I love progressive music as well (my favorite band is Tool) so I can see where you're coming from there.  I wasn't trying to state who is better than who, I just thought I'd bring Sparta into the equation of bands that originated from At the Drive-In in El Paso, Texas, where I've lived no more than an hour from since I was 6 years old.  All three bands are greatly appreciated down here and I feel like Sparta is often unfairly tossed aside is all.

- Tical.
Originally Posted by Chrisb9393

I don't really listen to a lot of Rock music, but im kinda surprised no ones even mentioned Slash at all

slash is good and im a fan  but i dont think hes in a top 5
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