Who Cuts Their Own Hair?

Dec 4, 2006
I know I can't be the only one... buzzer no guard shave all over, use a razor to do the line up at the front
sometimes i gotta get my brother to do the back for me though... saves me cashat least.
who cuts their own hair and what style?
I want to learn but I'm too scared to mess up those first couple of times. Maybe in the summer where I can lay low
i kinda wanna start, especially when i leave the country for extend periods. im kinda thinking i could get a cut and just maintain in for awhile with someclippers, seems like it would be easy since i don't gets fades and !@#$...just a 2 and a clean shape up

can anybody recommend me some clippers for what i just described? i already got the andis t outliners
I do, beats going to the barber every 2 weeks. As long as you got a mirror in front of you and another mirror to the right or left of you you should bealright. It takes some practice but I learned quick.

All i usually do is give my self a tape up around and just use the longer comb setting on the clippers to cut the hair on top and then use some scissors tofinish it up on the top.
I use to cut my own hair from 6th grade till' my sophmore year in high school. Then found out my uncle knew how to cut hair, so now he gives me the freshcut.
i use to take it down where you could still see my waves but then i just got lazy and now just buzz it off with no guards. use my wahl trimmer for the line up.
havent been to a barber since high school graduation in 05.

$12 x 27 (once every two weeks) x 3.5years = about $1200 in savings.

EDIT: the trick is to keep trying. if you mess up either one of two things are gonna happen,
1. you are gonna just buzz it all off everytime and keep it movin
2. you are gonna learn from your mistakes cause you are tired of your boys clowning you because you look like you got cut up with a hot butter knife.
Am i the only one noticing all these hair cutting threads all of a sudden?

And to answer the Q, no, but i need to learn how to shape myself up
i do..just take a 3 and go back to front keepin the sides and back short but the top just a little bit longer
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

...since 1993
yep, me too around that time. now Im cuttin my sons hair. The last time I went to a shop cause I was feeling lazy, I felt like they *$%*#@ my hairup.
No, but I try to edge myself up in between cuts.
i really need to learn. cuz i'm getting lazy going to the barbershop every 2 weeks, but i am saving money tho, but..........my shape up andall is NOT a good look might have to get it tomorrow since i have nothin to do.
I always cut my own hair. Sometimes it sucks tho when you want a fade or watever. I get adventurous and have tried fading myself and it comes out alright butalways remember you're not gonna be able to perfectly get all the angles and areas that a good barber will cut. I hate cutting my hair mainly becazwhenever ur trying to line/edge urself up, even the damn clippers block part of ur vision so its hard to even get the edges properly.
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