Who Else HATES Playing Basketball Outdoors?

Originally Posted by Exile On Ivy St

There's a reason why they say heaven is a playground, good lord I'm only 21 and I feel like this generation after me is SOFT, either that or I'm an exception in my age group because right around early april I start countin down the days to when it gets to that perfect west coast summer weather.

There is nothing, I repeat, NOTHING more gratifying in life than hitting the court at 7:00 - 7:30 right when the sun is setting, running for 3-4 hours with intense competition and allowing that cool breeze to make you feel just as energized during the last game as the during the first.

I played organized, indoor basketball from 2nd grade through senior year HS, but when I'm old and looking back at my "playing" days, I'd say around 2/3 of my most memorable moments on the court will have been outdoors.

This is my spot, aka "The Bridge". This is about as hood as Eugene, OR gets, which isn't very hood at all, you'll just find bums smoking weed or a bunch of mexicans from the apartments across the way trying to start a soccer game. I did see Salim Stoudamire's possibly(probably) homeless cousin hanging out here a couple months ago sluggin away on a big bottle of Mickey's . .



i never seen a hoop being set up like that... pretty tight though. nice park exile
Everybody likes outdoor ball when they are growing up but now that I'm older, I don't like it that much....bad rims, wind, concrete (no diving, etc.),I could never shoot that well outdoors, but am money indoors.
Aside from when it is windy, I love playing outdoors. Summers in SoCal are made for hoops with fog and clouds in the morning and perfect 70 to 75 degreetemps.

I love gutting out a tough game on a cool fall night under lights, meeting my friends at the park on an unseasonably warm day in winter, playing late into thenight on the first warm spring night or coming back from the courts in summer and taking a cool shower and reflecting on how clean your shot was that morning.

I get the same thrill from playing hoops outdoors under sky like I do when I surf or play golf on a perfect day. I love basketball land will play it in ablizzard or a monsoon but being outside during a day with good weather is an added bonus to the fun you have from shooting around or playing basketball.
I don't like playing outdoors nearly as much as indoors, but at least you're playing basketball...
Outdoor balling is fun nothing like running the courts in the city while rocking a hoodie,shorts,and some old jordans/nikes under the lights at night.

But one time I decided to be Lebron and try and jump over everybody all night and ended up having to work with a strained back the next day. Looked like a NBAsuperstar though
Originally Posted by DMONEY23444

Wildkycat- im mostly in the west-end when i play, usually at the portland rec, but a guy i know rents a church out on 7th street on thursday nights....we usually play there too. Im in a league out at hoops and a league at st.rose as well.
what's the gym on 7th street? i know i've played there, but i forget the name.

Hoops is ridiculous! http://www.wherethegameis.com/http://www.wherethegameis.com/
I love playing outdoors,and i love playing indoors,alot of outdoor rims got double rims but if you shoot there all the time.when you go to a gym your shot ismoney!!,and if your a true baller you can play anywhere so it wouldnt matter.
the only thing i dont like about playing outdoor is when the ball gets all dusty and slippery
Basketball is basketball once u get focused and ya into the game and competition u forget all those negatives and just play.

Nothing I hate more than very windy days though trying to work on ya shot u might aswell not bother cause itll mess up ya form correcting things that dont needcorrecting.I got a high ark on my shot and outdoors on a windy day forget about it.

In England theres literaly no outdoor scene unless u live in London or a city so the few rims around here are dead all year round wich suits me fine forworking on my game but sucks when u wanna test wat u been working on.I work on my game outside all year round mostly shooting on my hoop at home and ballhandleing at the court useally only getting to ball indoors once a week if im lucky.

So bein where im from theres nothing I love more than hitting West 4th street on a fine day whenever im in the big apple not only for the competition but thebanter n jokes made alot of longtime friendships just from ballin there.

Only drawback to outdoor ball for me is I only rock beaters or cheap nikes cant rock all my nice sneaks like indoors.

I agree with playing outside, you gotta take it to the hole more often. For some reason it's way easier to hit jumpers indoors. And I' m talking aboutnormal conditions outside - no wind, blah blah etc it just seems that way for me some reason. Like it's way easier to hit 4 out of 5 shots indoors asopposing to making the same shots on a outdoor court. shrugs
In my opinion basketball is the same where ever you play at. Inside or outside is that same to me. When I was growing up in Cleveland in the summer time theoutdoor courts was jumping daily. Playing basketball outside brings out the toughness and the heart you have inside of you. Usually there are less fouls butyou still have to finish regardless of the contact and you have to adjust to the rims at the playground.
outdoor hoops is where its at. I used to be a pretty craptastic shooter until I played on double-rimmed hoop for an entire summer then I started playing onindoor hoops and my shot improved sooooo much. Double-rimmed hoops force you to put more arch on your shot to make it. Outdoor basketball helped metremendously improve my game.
I love playing ball period, so outdoor or indoor doesn't much matter to me. Sure, playing in a gym has its benefits, but so does playing outside.
Someone I know hates playing outside, and I promise he's played at a higher level than any of you.

I personally don't like it too much because it's hard on my knees.
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