Who else is having trouble focusing in finals week?

May 19, 2004

I have one tomorrow that shouldn't be bad, but one Thursday, and one Friday that I don't feel well-prepared for....and I've been procrastinatingsince I don't have a test today. I'm hoping it'll pick up and I'll come through in the clutch though
I have everyday this week, except Monday. I went to a workplace Christmas party and the drinking didn't help at all. Studying as I type.
I just finished today, and I found it really hard to concentrate for that last exam...
I was just about to mad a thread about the same thing. I said I would spend all day today studying for my final and probably only spent 10mins reviewing...Ireally hate when this happens.

My 2 hardest finals are Thursday and Friday so hopefully I can pull my **$* together and get some serious studying done for those classes by then.
Shooooooooooooooooooooot, thanks for reminding me about my Accounting final tomorrow
I'm super-procrastinating. Just finished one final today. Got 4 more to go. One on Wednesday, another on Thursday, and then two more on Friday
. I've been so far behind (I've only gone to one of my classes three times throughout this quarter and another one only once...
) that I keep telling myself that I'm going to start studying two weeks aheadof finals. So far, I started studying three hours before the final that I took earlier. I don't know but procrastination is the hardest thing to changeabout myself. Hopefully I will come through at the end and pass all my classes.
im glad for once i dont have a lot of finals and they are spaced out. i was sick of havin two hard enginnering finals in a day. this year its just an easy oneon saturday and a harder one next wednesday. but i aint complainin. i get time to sleep and study.
Got one in like 3 hours.
I can't, for the life of mine, concentrate on finals.
I guess it gets you when you have a test every week then finals come, and then you think it's just another round of tests.
2 more to go...just gotta grind it out. Then I get to fly off to Toronto on Saturday...woohoo!
damn, same boat... i have my last one today and am not feeling to good about it. and here i am
on NT avoiding the reviewing..
but im sure ill manage. i already had 2 and they went well!

good luck though.
I finished my finals yesterday & I feel like I did HORRIBLE. I was so unfocused while taking my algebra final. It'll be a miracle if I actually pass. Ineed that miracle.
man i have my first on friday and two more on tuesday. i havent even started yet for my international politics one yet and thats in two days.
I've been like this since Thanksgiving too... and the thing is, i'm really not trippin about it... i just want this week to be done and over with....
i have like a paper due in a week and i have to study for my econ final. other than that, i have a final group presentation that i'm having a hard time tofocused with.
agreed. i was so burnt out from all the work i had due the week before thanksgiving, the break wasn't nearly long enough. i had an easy exam on tuesday,and then i have 3 exams in a row. econ of china thurs 2:30, stats fri 8:30, new testament fri 2:30. i don't know anything for new testament, and stats isso hard there is a ton of studying that i have to do for it. probably not sleeping at all thursday night or much tonight either. i hate school. of course, ispent all of study week watching superbad and playing fifa and call of duty...
Got my biology finals this friday which is cake. I need to just get anything above 70 to get an A in the class. The one final I'm dreading is my Physicsfinal on monday. I need to go over 13 chapters of calculus II based equations. ARGGGGGGHHHHH
I only had one final, but I had a presentation and 3 papers ranging from 4-10 pages to do. I can't wait until this week is over, I'll finally get somerest without the stress.
today was my last final

[the rock]finally the crazyjays has finished his fiiiiiiinaallllllls[the rock]
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