Who got the best post moves in the league?

Zach Randolph
The Great Tim Duncan
Al Jefferson
Luis Scola
Kobe Bryant
Andre Miller
Kevin Garnett
Originally Posted by hongcouver604

JaVale McGee

I dont know about that but his sweeping hooks are like normal heighted people playing on Nerf rims attached to the top of doors.
Originally Posted by Savraj1

Surprised he hasn't been mentioned
I wouldn't even put him top 5 in terms of "post moves." Sure he can score, but its generally a simple backdown and a simple shot.
KG is just so effective with his because he has long arms and his release is almost literally behind his head. No one blocks that guy.

But honestly, I would give it Luis Scola or Tim Duncan.

And Brand definitely had the best post moves in that cushy period with the Clippers. Right around '05 to '06.

If Randolph went 100 every play he'd be between Duncan and Scola but dude takes plays off, even on the offensive end. Effort's got to account for something.
Although Chris Kamen sucks and doesn't convert nearly as high as a big man should, and shoots a lousy percentage.......... Kamen can't be overlooked. Dude has some nice post moves with his pivots and what not.
Al Jeff
David West
Andre Miller
a year or so ago Pau would be on most peoples lists. Shame how that changed (mostly due to Mike Brown not utilizing him correctly). In the post he was so nice

currently though,
Kobe(that footwork)
Bynum(still gonna improve, but he's nice)
Al Jeff
Originally Posted by solarius49

Dude said Blake has the best footwork in the L
I'll say it this way to let it better sink in...Blake Griffin has the most athletic feet in the game. Period.His biggest problem down there is his control and awareness (court and body). There isn't one move that Griffin isn't capable of and his up and under is�
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Originally Posted by solarius49

Dude said Blake has the best footwork in the L
I'll say it this way to let it better sink in...Blake Griffin has the most athletic feet in the game. Period.His biggest problem down there is his control and awareness (court and body). There isn't one move that Griffin isn't capable of and his up and under is�
what the hell are athletic feet?? all he is, is a leaper.. a dunker.. nothing more.. no footwork whatsoever.. watch kobe's post up game and moves and tell me if griffin has it or anything that comes close to it
If you say it like that, ANY player is capable of good footwork. However good footwork has nothing to do with athleticism, its a matter of learned skill and technique
I got late to the party but these are the first nameS that come to mind.

Big Al
Big Zach Randolph

Bynum is getting there.

Those are the people that I rated the highest in Post Off in my 2K Roster Edits.
Andre Miller
Zach Randolph
Luis Scola
Pau Gasol
Andrew Bynum

The most technically sound guy in the league is Tim Duncan. The others guys on that list either have too little touch on the ball, others on the above list settle for fade aways too much and some are too small to be consistent force on the low block.
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