who got the internet and cable?

Oct 30, 2009
i've been stayin in these college apartments for a minute, and cable and internet was provided.....

i'm finna move into a new apartment...

and i'm trying to get an internet and cable bundle...

i've been doin some research...

and FIOS is lookin nice...

price wise, and speed wise...

does anyone have this?

also, all the folks that got internet and cable bundles...

how much are you paying?

and what plan do you got?
I have Brighthouse (comparable to Comcast elsewhere), and I pay $130-140 a month for this "highspeed" internet, and HD/ DVR + HBO bundle....Constantly looking for ways to cutback...I think I'm paying a little too much
I got Time Warner and pay 60 a month for hd/dvr with almost every channel & roadrunner. It's all about talking to the salesman like you know whats up and have a better deal in place.
I'm getting punked with Comcast right now.

My apartment provides cable, just the standard stuff so no big movie channels, and since the cable isn't under my name/account, I have to pay extra just for internet. I believe it's about 60-70 a month just for internet. It would be cheaper if I had a cable package too.
Originally Posted by RzaRamon

I got Time Warner and pay 60 a month for hd/dvr with almost every channel & roadrunner. It's all about talking to the salesman like you know whats up and have a better deal in place.

   so you can negotiate them down on the price?...

what kinda speed do you got on ya internet...
FIOS is by far the fastest internet available...Their tv/ondemand is also really good.  Trust me you will not be disappointed.
fiber optic cable ftw.. too bad they don't offer it where i live
Fios is the wackest. Had it like 4 months and got rid of it. First of all, you have only one dvr, and then every other box taps into it. seems cool, except for the fact that all recording has to be done at the main box. Which of course leads to parents/siblings screwing up your recordings. Their on demand can't hold a candle to Comcast. Had a problem where the tv was playing sound but no images were showing up, so if it were comcast they would just blitz the box with the remote signal and it would come back up. well not fios the lady was like ok give it 24-48hrs to be back to normal. The guide for fios is crazy, not overly complicated just poorly laid out. The internet wasn't noticeably any faster than reg cable internet and it never quite worked with the router for me. and the fone was whatever, i dont use house phones anymore.
I'm sick of comcast because my internet is fast but sometimes it would go down for some reason; minutes, hours, even days.

I just got a Comcast digital HD box and only some channels show and I tried calling them to fix it but they can't do anything from the phone. All the other TV's in my house has a box and is working fine, except for mines. I had a digital converter box but it never worked either. I'm getting tired of Comcast.
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