Who has been kicked out at 18..?

My parents both never want me to leave for some reason but there divorced so it seems like they've been fighting for my affection since i was a child SMH
im mexican, most mexican or latino parents never want you to "fly the nest". Most of my friends have moved out on their own..... I dont know anybody thats ever been kicked out at 18.
Originally Posted by Boi

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how about you enlighten us, why you decided to create this thread?

For a parent to kick there child out at 18 is just wrong.

I think its there obligation to make sure there equipped for the real world before they leave the nest.

Occasionaly some parents that dont know how to guide there children success or they come acorss a bad apple they cant mold , so they just leave them be and wait till that clock strikes 12 and on there 18 bday they change them locks.

Or you come across a parent whos dirt cheap.  They never investe any time or money for that particular child by negleting theyre duties as a parent and as soon as the child gets older they would tend to speak there mind or voice in there opinion and theyre like its time for you to go.(youre getting to smart for us)

 in turn, they are pawned off into society without a set of instructions ....... 

I formulated this idea from friends...
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Kicked out? I left. Went to college and never moved back home after.
i can dig this w/ a shovel..

standin on my on two for 5 years strong famb...

its finally starting to look on the bright side, too... 

nice job, first official DOLO spot (no roomies whatsoever), and grad school on the horizon...


Originally Posted by Midnight Hype

Originally Posted by Boi

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how about you enlighten us, why you decided to create this thread?

For a parent to kick there child out at 18 is just wrong.
My mom kicked me out a few days after I turned 18. Told me that I was ungrateful and disrespectful while her boyfriend told me that I have no responsibilities. I was let back in a few days later because I just flat out couldn't survive.. I came home starving and unshowered.

All claims of me being disrespectful / ungrateful were completely wrong but I can't help but feel like they want me out as soon as possible. Even with two jobs I don't have enough money to get out and live comfortably while going to school.

I already know she counts down the days that it's gonna take me to be strong enough to leave. Feelsbatman, but hey I'm 18 now and she has no legal obligation to keep me in her house anymore if she doesn't want to.

Anybody who's parents don't want them to leave, must be nice. And y'all complaining.
Originally Posted by spizike231

Originally Posted by Midnight Hype

Originally Posted by Boi

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how about you enlighten us, why you decided to create this thread?

For a parent to kick there child out at 18 is just wrong.
My mom kicked me out a few days after I turned 18. Told me that I was ungrateful and disrespectful while her boyfriend told me that I have no responsibilities. I was let back in a few days later because I just flat out couldn't survive.. I came home starving and unshowered.

All claims of me being disrespectful / ungrateful were completely wrong but I can't help but feel like they want me out as soon as possible. Even with two jobs I don't have enough money to get out and live comfortably while going to school.

I already know she counts down the days that it's gonna take me to be strong enough to leave. Feelsbatman, but hey I'm 18 now and she has no legal obligation to keep me in her house anymore if she doesn't want to.

Anybody who's parents don't want them to leave, must be nice. And y'all complaining.
my parents say literally the same *#++. dont appreciate stuff/ dont do anything. welp i just let it go in one ear and out the other. keep my head down and only speak to them when spoken to. if youre not trying to get kicked out again, dont talk to them as much so there will be less opportunities to argue. and if youve got two jobs im sure you can at least find somewhere to live solo/ with some roommates in a few months. just keep doing you
Back when I was a junior in hs I kept gettinginto fights at school. My mom said she couldn’t take it and made me go livewith my uncle. I begged and pleaded with her that day but she packed mysuitcase and sent me on my way. Shegave me a kiss and she gave me my ticket I put my walkman on and said I might as well kick it. First class, yo this is bad, drinking orange juice out of a champagne glass.Is this what the people of bel-air livin like,Hmm this might be alright! I whistled for a cab and when it came near thelicense plate said fresh and had a dice in themirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rarebut I thought 'forget it, yo home to bel-air'
Ill move out when im able to create financial stability for my family. DEBT FREE!! cant wait.
Im livin wit my parents. Got a 12 month lease appt though as of this august but I'll still probs move back with my parents next summer. We'll see
yeah at what age am i a bum?

I dont live with my parents per say but I'm just getting into the swing of independence a tad bit late. Just finished school only have a part time gig right now but imt rying and looking to be able to support myself solo
I was rasied by a single mom whom I viewed as more of a friend than a parent growing up so when I got into my teens I had no structure. Once I got into high school my mom wanted to make rules and I wasn't having it. So at 17 she said if I wouldn't follow her rules then I had to leave. I moved in with the person I was dating for a few of months and then rented a place of my own. For me it was kind of the only option but if I had grown up in a more stable home I wouldn't have left. Life is a struggle on your own so young but at the same time I have some great memories from those times.
My parents wanted me to leave, but they really didn't. I don't know if that makes sense...but yeah.
Moved out on my 18th birthday(on good terms)

Couldnt bring girls to the house so i did what i had to do

Been independent ever since
Just posting to read more stories when I get home.
But yeah I was ready to leave to years ago (19), had a really good job for a college student. My mom said once I leave there's no coming back though and they're done supporting me financially.
Glad I decided to stay home, but now I'm about to graduate and looking for a new spot as soon as I find a better job
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