Who has Been PickPocketed?

my boss tells me to keep my wallet and cash in my front pocket.. he says it funner when people try to pickpocket you..
Lol it took 3 to get one small purse...

Never been pick pocketed but I’m always weary in public places. That’s why I carry smaller purses.
I’ve never been pick pocketed but I have had my pockets ran in middle school by some High Schooler.
Stole my Walkman and my Kurious tape:angry:
Damn, straight punked you? Jk.

I’ve been stuck up for my iPod that I had just finished paying off the credit card payments on. :angry::frown:
I've never been pickpocketed either, but I always see women walk around with their big *** phones in their back pocket. Idk why, but it seems like the stupidest place to have it, especially when you have it halfway sticking out of your pocket.
Damn, straight punked you? Jk.

I’ve been stuck up for my iPod that I had just finished paying off the credit card payments on. :angry::frown:
It all changed when I hit 8th grade and was corrupted as well as taught how to fight.:lol:
I became a hoodlum after that.:smh:
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