Who has gotten tested?

Got tested last yr.


The wait is the worst though
I hate to burst everyone's bubble, but just because you got tested doesn't necessarily mean you're good. HPV is one of the most common STDs andthere's no actual test for it for men.
I have. When I went to the doctor I told them to test me for everything, the nurse said okay, and she started taking my blood pressure and pulse. She took myBP and was like what the hell, you're too young to be having a stroke why is your BO so high. I told her I had never gotten tested and I was hella nervous.The wait was terrible, my mind started playing tricks on me and I started itching and what not. I passed though
Originally Posted by Chewvenile

If you get tested for EVERYTHING, your in for a PAINFUL experience. Have fun.

I wish someone would've given me this heads up cause I had no idea..... But yea I was nervous but I had this inner thought telling me that everythingwas gonna be alright and I was right. That $*%% lifts a lot of weight off your shoulders when you get good results back
First of all, your friend is stupid for saying that you are for getting testing. Its something that has to be done. I get tested twice a year and its nothingto be ashamed of. Even though I know to the best of my knowledge that my boyfriend is monogamous, I can't be 100% sure cause I'm not with him all thetime. And dude up there is right. HPV is now as common as the cold. The only way you can know you have it is you have genital warts. If you don't, then youcan pass it on, and if her immune systems doesn't suppress it, it can cause her cervical cancer.
quick 2 cents,

It actually takes anywhere from 3-6 monthes for antibodies to show up in ur bloodstream from the HIV virus.. a good friend of mine (rip), took the test acouple of days after she was exposed and she was clean... However 3 years down the road later, her body started to break down. ...... guess you know fromwhat.....

So, strap up..and if you think u have it..... wait at least 3 monthes before getting tested.
Originally Posted by Doctor Demise

I slept with a prostitute in TJ many many years back. Needless to say, I felt compelled to get tested... and I was clean as a whistle!

Coahuila if so

Adelitas if so
i get the 20min test 2wice a year (one of the perks of this expensive%**+ college insurance). that is the most stressful 20 minutes ever. you start thinking ofthe weirdest "what if" situations. i used protection every time before my test and i was still thinking stuff like "what if my parents had itand didnt know?" its stressful but hopefull youll be cool. that "monkey virus" aint nothin to play with.
U gotta get tested my dude, this 2007. 2 out of every 5 black men( sorry don't have the stats for other races.) Will get an STD by their 25 bday. I nevergo raw wit out seein shorty "im clean" paper.
Aight today is the day I'm bout to shower up and go do this thing I know it's goingto be a little uncomfortable but I been reading up on it and I'mstarting to feel a little bit better I'm mad it takes a week or two but I'll get over it quick. Hopefully I'm not making "Ntalk I haveGohnnasypaherpaclap" post
My other friend told me that I was stupid for getting tested

whats soo stupid about being healthy?

oh yeah...i remember in health class they showed a video...not dudes thing just his face...

by the look his face scared me
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