Who here makes 6 figures? Vol. 2016 edition

Here's some perspective, if you make over 32k a year, you are in the top 1% off wealth in this world.
In the US, 428,000$ a year
I was gonna say....

Still goes to show how unjust the income disparity is worldwide.
I suppose, but poverty is all the same in my book. You homeless in the states is the same as you homeless in India you know?

If I'm cold as **** up here in Minnesota, the worst thing someone could tell me is well, you could be in North Pole, count your blessings. Nah , I'm cold.
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i used to make around 120k a year working in the government and doing real estate on the side. I was working around 60 hours a week and it wasnt the life I wanted to live. I am currently going through a divorce because I was barely home. I took a pay cut and moved to the dmv area recently where I make base 65k and my disability is 1800 a month and its still crazy expensive out here. I dont think it depends on how much money you make per year but how you spend and the quality of your life. I was making more money back then and still am able to have the same amount of spending power so I am not missing much but my savings account is popping.
It's possible to appreciate the simple things in life (AC, fridge, food, bed) but still want more. They're not mutually exclusive.
When you combine my Southwest Airlines Salary as well my Army National Guard I make a decent 54k a year.
Plus I live in Suburbs of Atlanta , I live very comfortable.
Now my wife, seriously makes a lot more than me. She is a hair stylist here in Atlanta these folks pay up to $200 to get their Brazilin, Malaysian and other types hair sew-in. That's not even including the Bundles of hair that she sells .which can cost you between $80-$400 and that's just for 3 or 4 bundles of hair.
I'll never understand why women spend ungodly sums of money on fake hair.

Same reason why everyone else spends a ton of money: to feel better about themselves.
F that plateau of 100k,

I just want to be comfortable and not fall into the trap of making X and now wanting X + 50k

We are made to always want more, cut that **** off and you'll be golden.

Financial freedom is where it's at.

The only way i would work 50-60-70-80 hours a week is if I work for myself. I'm not slaving for somebody else.

Making 70k a year working 35 hours with flexibility, pension plan and great benefits >>> making 120k slaving with no benefits.
This dude gets it!

I was working contracts overseas for 8 years clearing about $140k-160k each year.
No pension and benefits were only as good as the contract lasted.
No job security laid off due to RIF(Reduction in Force) twice.

But it taught me to stack all that money and be smart and prepared with a plan B in case of being laid off.

Was great times and great travel on vacations....but we were indeed herded and treated like cattle by these big companies.

It can really mess of your perception of money getting all that lump some liquid cash into your bank account at 24.
When I settled back into the states I was still spending like I was working those high dollar contracts.

These men know.

Busted my *** working overtime back to back years just to say I made 6 figures.

This year, I cut back on overtime and just work my regular 80, changed from night shift to day shift. Enjoying my 4 days off and regular consistent paycheck.

I changed my holiday pay to holiday time... get atleast 10 weeks of vacation a year on top of my 4 days off.

I probably won't crack 6 figures this year, but I've never been happier work wise in my life!
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I'd suggest find some way to have an account she can't touch.

Its against the law to move money during a divorce process. Also cant create any other subsidiaries or entities without contacting her law firm first lol. They call it this thing called fraud hahaha. ill be alright she cant tough the disability and right now thats a pretty good chunk of savings. Also, she did send a lot of clients my way when I was doing RE, but I copped her so much expensive S$%^ I felt it should have made up for it lol.
High six-figures
Real Estate Developer/Investor
First six figure year 2012
Age 29
College Dropout. Last guy anyone thought was going to get his head on straight and be successful.

How I got here?

Self-educating and TRYING. Biggest thing I see affect people not getting to the next level is not taking ACTION. You have to be able to take information and implement it.

From the profile, its says your in the Richmond (hometown) area , You still out there? :nerd:
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