Who here thinks about death alot...

I think of it. Not to the point it consumes me, but I do think about it. I lost my cousin last year and my grandfather 20 years before him. Experiencing thatloss has made me think more about the family still here. In the back of my mind, I'm worried about losing someone else. I gues when I think about mepassing it's more on some Tupac " How long will they mourn me?" I think about what it would do to my parents and sister.

I am a Christian so I know where I will be going it's just that I hate think of my family suffering through the grief.
Me two, I thought i was super peronoaid or crazy or dellusional, well im all the above but i still think about it more than i should.
All the time,i wake up and say damn...if i have died would i have known?
Or when going to sleep...is this the last sleep ima get?
...It is whatever though,IMO..i lived this long for a purpose and what is that purpose...don't know.

It is always good to think 'bout it..brings you back to reality.
If you guys think about death then you need reach out to your faith, or go to a psychiatrist for some anxiety issues. True story
Originally Posted by NjCollector

All the time,i wake up and say damn...if i have died would i have known?
Or when going to sleep...is this the last sleep ima get?
...It is whatever though,IMO..i lived this long for a purpose and what is that purpose...don't know.

It is always good to think 'bout it..brings you back to reality.
i blacked out in the bathroom when taking a piss round 3 am

i woke up on the bathroom floor deaf out of one ear
then with the toilet rocked to the side

gasping for air on some oh snap this is it

but got up and was cool

thing is i dont remember nothing or even thinking how the toilet did a 180 spin

made me trip out & think ...what if death is one big black out but chilll tho
We won't know what happens after death til it's our turn. So it's best not to even think about it.
Originally Posted by rwfanatic

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Every single second that passes, is drawing us one inch closer to our death. I think of it as a rope tied around your waist and every passing second Death is pulling you closer and closer and closer and closer to your demise.
That ain't helping at all homie. The @!!! is the smiley face for?
I've come to terms and accepted the fact that one day I will no longer be here. I'm going to die, and SO ARE YOU. No need in gettingstressed, who knows we might go to another dimension when we pass.
Every time after blazing it and I'm in the car with my boy driving, I'm thinkin what if something just rams into my side and that's it. Like, mylife is gone, or pass right before me. I'm just thinkin'.. what if.
dont have dreams about it.. but i do think about it.. not scared like the rest of you.. curious though.
It's horrible when I think of death. Usually happens when i'm going to sleep, I imagine what if i never am able to see my loved one's and it hurtsalot to think of that but then i wake up and it's all good again. It's like a cycle for everything I just really really hope that this isn't allthere is to life and that theres something good there waiting for me when this is all over.
i always think about death. everyday. ive tried to commit suicide but my dad took me to the hospital
the older u get, the more you come to the realization that it is an inevitability. Life is nothing more than a slow death.
At some point in my life I stopped carrying about it let alone being scared. Everyone dies at the end of the day.....

I rather die first than to see the people around me parish.
I think about it consistantly and I have to say it scares the !! out of me, I cant put words to the feeling, maybe its because I sometimes feel like there isno next place and with our death so does the mind and the soul
I think of what will happened to me when I die. Where will I go......?

It just doesn't end after death....IMO
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