Who is going to murk Chris Brown? VOL. We all know its coming...

Originally Posted by hellaones

this reminds me off that 8ball line "see real _____ really believe in beatin these ____ down, pushing heads into the wall until you hear that crackin sound"

Originally Posted by PeterJamesThe3rd

Originally Posted by OptimusPrimeAPhiA

Originally Posted by PeterJamesThe3rd

Why everybody taking Rhianna side? like she some angel...
I'm sure if he beat her like that he had a good reason...

Chris brown aint no thug... looks like he scared to hurt a fly so for him to do that... I'm sure there was a good reason...

i'm not saying he 100 percent right... but please try to see it from his angel
As a male...

I understand that society has norms...

and expectations...

unfortunately due to the overwhelming situation of the law and the environment in which i'm socialized into, there is no way for a male to win NOR even begin to justify that type of abuse. If you don't know when enough is enough, thats on you, and in this case C. Brown. Dude crossed the line. I find no reason to really take his side no matter WHAT prompted it. One hit from a girl is like 10x that when it comes from a dude. It just is. As an entertainer, you are ALWAYS held to a higher standard. If you can't deliever, fall back then but DONT be surprised when you mess up and its on the front page. I dont care if hes 19 or 91. Dude has his work cut out for him. When boys on the block run up on him and give him the
look all he will be able to do is the

Ya'll forget. This is a new age in media. Everything you do as a celebrity is magnified to the point as if we were in the car when it happened. News is INSTANT. If he can't deal with the consequences, i'm sure his hype men and mentors around him were aware of this. Its his fault. Even is Rihanna cursed his mother out...he should know that just because hes CHRIS BROWN and she is RIHANNA that neither one of them will get away with ANYTHING. Dudes don't know how good they really have it out there...
I don't rock with this guy anymore. I can't bring myself to listen to his music. He didn't slap her, or shake her to calm her down. Dude THROTTLED ole girl. No looks for that man. Rihanna could say she gave the man Herpes...ok...well damn curse her out...but you better damn well know that if you touch her, you end your life ESPECIALLY with everyoneon in the world knows your business. I'm not saying dudes can't fight back, but ya'll gotta understand, until SOCIETY CHANGES and allows for MEN TO JUSTIFABLY DEFEND THEMSELVES ya'll will NEVER be able to raise a fist, much less throw it. Dude is stupid. Plain and simple.
there's a time and a place for everything... I've hit girls before... they deserved it... (only once a bunch of girls though...)

rumors in the hood she gave him a std... needless to say ida beat her silly as well...

Edit before i seem like some type of animal... a few girls had popped off on one of my home girls the fight was like 9 0n one... they ain't wana give her the fair one... i wasn't going to stand there like o no there girls... they crossed the line they suffer the consequences male or female...
aren't you the same dude that was salty cause a chick you was messing with ditched you to spend v-day with her dude? now you talking it'scool to put hands on a female
Nobody is going to TOUCH him. What the @+$% is Rihanna supposed to be Queen Elizabeth or something? Calm down.
LAzianBoi, I hear thru a third party's third party, that statements made on an online forum are permissible in court, so you may want to let your words hitthe cutting room floor,
Chris Brown is a dead man. Period. By who and who said that? tell him LAzianBoi said it. he's gunna get it... you guys just sit and watch. muahahah.. im not saying i would kill him but if i had the chance.. most def.

Originally Posted by Calypso Chanta

Chris Brown is a dead man. Period. By who and who said that? tell him LAzianBoi said it. he's gunna get it... you guys just sit and watch. muahahah.. im not saying i would kill him but if i had the chance.. most def.

No one is touching him and it looks like a lot of his fans are still supporting him.

I wouldn't be surprised if he's making a comeback at the start of next year, if not sooner....
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