Who is Henzo?

Everyone knows THB is on here still, I guess I'm a lame though for posting his SN even though everyone knows
Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by Diego

Originally Posted by rwfanatic

Originally Posted by TheTim11

3 pages & no THB sighting
Only cause he got banned or else he would have had the 1st reply.
Info on this THB character?
I hear about him all the time and knowing the story behind it would be appreciated.
THB is a metaphor for the "The Hate Below"
they're saying that no one has come in with Hater comments because they have been outlawed.
NT is now a happy community

it happens every summer, but personally I can't wait until The Hate Below makes a comeback


*Waits for a generous NTer willing to give the real info*
how would you know? i thought you said you didnt know him?
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by masterhammy23

Everyone knows THB is on here still, I guess I'm a lame though for posting his SN even though everyone knows

!#$@ you snitching for?

Let dude live

WHat you want me to edit it out?

It's not like he's staying inconspicuous or anything
What I don't get is how THB has some of the most recognizable posts........my man always got a new name, but I can damn near immediately spot one of hisposts [no d ride].

By the way:

THB is "The Hater Boxden". He was around last Summer as a 13 year old kid who posted in every thread and had a keen sense of humor on some subjects.He made avys, and they were decent as hell...he made a few for people on here. He slowly started to become "a troll" to some NTers, and hislikability started to decrease.....didn't matter tho, he still posted with no worries. He accumulated over 10,000 posts in a short year, and it wasbelieved that he didn't have a post limit. Also, he often posted pics of jail bait, but it was cool for him 'cause he was "13 years old".

One day in the Summer, he made a thread about Henz and it was pure chaos in there. That's when his likability went completely down the drain, along withhis e-sanity. cq23/cq45 made a thread supposedly exposin' THB as bein' some kid named Geronimo, and the moniker "Geronimo" would be linked toTHB wherever he was at. He shortly got banned after that, but made another name....I forget what it was, but it was the the title of a Nas song I believe.

Maybe about 5 SNs later, he created the name "One Love" and he portrayed a young teenage female, before he got discovered and exposed. Didn'tmatter tho, he still posted. And still worshiped Henz.

Since Summer '08, he's been thru about 12 SNs [no exaggeration] and he still posts to this date. I won't put his SN out there, you gotta keep youreyes open.
Originally Posted by Primavera Vills

By the way:

One day in the Summer, he made a thread about Henz and it was pure chaos in there. That's when his likability went completely down the drain, along with his e-sanity. cq23/cq45 made a thread supposedly exposin' THB as bein' some kid named Geronimo, and the moniker "Geronimo" would be linked to THB wherever he was at. He shortly got banned after that, but made another name....I forget what it was, but it was the the title of a Nas song I believe.

he put cq23 name on a bullet to...
Originally Posted by Primavera Vills

What I don't get is how THB has some of the most recognizable posts........my man always got a new name, but I can damn near immediately spot one of his posts [no d ride].

By the way:

THB is "The Hater Boxden". He was around last Summer as a 13 year old kid who posted in every thread and had a keen sense of humor on some subjects. He made avys, and they were decent as hell...he made a few for people on here. He slowly started to become "a troll" to some NTers, and his likability started to decrease.....didn't matter tho, he still posted with no worries. He accumulated over 10,000 posts in a short year, and it was believed that he didn't have a post limit. Also, he often posted pics of jail bait, but it was cool for him 'cause he was "13 years old".

One day in the Summer, he made a thread about Henz and it was pure chaos in there. That's when his likability went completely down the drain, along with his e-sanity. cq23/cq45 made a thread supposedly exposin' THB as bein' some kid named Geronimo, and the moniker "Geronimo" would be linked to THB wherever he was at. He shortly got banned after that, but made another name....I forget what it was, but it was the the title of a Nas song I believe.

Maybe about 5 SNs later, he created the name "One Love" and he portrayed a young teenage female, before he got discovered and exposed. Didn't matter tho, he still posted. And still worshiped Henz.

Since Summer '08, he's been thru about 12 SNs [no exaggeration] and he still posts to this date. I won't put his SN out there, you gotta keep your eyes open.

Originally Posted by Primavera Vills

What I don't get is how THB has some of the most recognizable posts........my man always got a new name, but I can damn near immediately spot one of his posts [no d ride].

By the way:

THB is "The Hater Boxden". He was around last Summer as a 13 year old kid who posted in every thread and had a keen sense of humor on some subjects. He made avys, and they were decent as hell...he made a few for people on here. He slowly started to become "a troll" to some NTers, and his likability started to decrease.....didn't matter tho, he still posted with no worries. He accumulated over 10,000 posts in a short year, and it was believed that he didn't have a post limit. Also, he often posted pics of jail bait, but it was cool for him 'cause he was "13 years old".

One day in the Summer, he made a thread about Henz and it was pure chaos in there. That's when his likability went completely down the drain, along with his e-sanity. cq23/cq45 made a thread supposedly exposin' THB as bein' some kid named Geronimo, and the moniker "Geronimo" would be linked to THB wherever he was at. He shortly got banned after that, but made another name....I forget what it was, but it was the the title of a Nas song I believe.

Maybe about 5 SNs later, he created the name "One Love" and he portrayed a young teenage female, before he got discovered and exposed. Didn't matter tho, he still posted. And still worshiped Henz.

Since Summer '08, he's been thru about 12 SNs [no exaggeration] and he still posts to this date. I won't put his SN out there, you gotta keep your eyes open.

Took 8 pages for cliffs notes
Thanks Prima
... but THB's last name just got banned too... Meth and JRose been on him.... pretty soon they'll be banning him just for his misspellings
Yo I heard Henz can speak French in Russian and is this THB cat related to Shynop the kid that scanned his face?
Some of uou *@@@'s is lame as hell.

Don't front like yall just kiddin. I've seen yall for years ride henz's $$$$$

Not hatin on him, but some of you have nothing else to look foraward to.

Sorry if you thinking I'm hating on your "internet god" lol
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