*** Who is the best call of duty MW2 player on NT? *** Vol: Live Competition is better than PSN

On psn... June the beast. Super roach. A balikbayan box. Bay area bully. Keithahundred

And worst..soulfulb
I see, most of you guys with the high K/D Ratio play on PSN. There are less people, & less competition. 

I had a similar experience to this while playing on my friend's PS3. Anyone else?

 So my friend got a PS3 and MW2 for christmas this past year. Was never a big gamer himself but now he is gradually turning into one. I was at his place this past weekend and we were shooting the breeze, having some rum, beers and 'herbal' aromatherapy. He turns on MW2 and we start playing. He is atrocious at FPS, especially online. So he let me play knowing I am a true gamer, albiet one who dedicates his online play to XBL.


So I warm up with a few 'Demolition' and 'Capture the Flag' games to get used to his tv, controller, settings, etc. I noticed that I was doing extrodinarily well, getting 35+ kills a match and around 4-8 deaths. I know, I know before you say "Well in those game modes people usually get a lot of kills" I never played before on PSN. The controller was wierd in my hands and my thumbs kept hitting each other when using the sticks in frenetic gameplay. So after about 4-5 matches I felt adjusted to my surroundings and to the controller and jumped into 'Team Deathmatch Express'. Would you not guess it first match I play I go 41-4. I consider this a stroke of luck and play on. After 2 more hours pass i level him up to Lv. 67, from the 64 he was previously. Then its time to take a break and stretch, so we do for half and hour drinking some more beers and a few more shots.


I am feeling nice and loose with a good buzz going, so I jump back on playing the same game mode. We just unlocked chopper gunner about an hour earlier so I had on Predator Missile, Harrier, and Chopper Gunner. I got into a match and within the first 5 mins I had my Apache circling the battlefield. Well end of the match comes I see that  I have gotten him a 25 kill streak, Nuke was not on unfortunately, and a total kill count of 57 kills to 4 deaths. Now I know his level is not high, Lv 67 on his first playthrough. But the competition we were going against were already prestiged, some more than a few times. This routine continued for about an hour and a half with me easily getting upwards of 35+ kills in deathmatches, each match. On XBL I am lucky to get even above 25 kills in a match, and that is on a good day. Now, on XBL my level is 70 on my first playthrough for I choose not prestige untill every gun is mastered and every challenge is completed legit. Its a chore but really fun, especially when you master a new gun. I digress, my point is that our, my friend and I, levels online are not too different but the way I was able to "own fools" on PSN, as opposed to playing on XBL, was insane. On  XBL my highest kill streak is only 22, I got a 25 streak on PSN whilst under the influence of a few spirits, not to mention the '1 bullet 2 kills' title. I trudge through match after match on XBL to get a K/D ratio of 20:10, where as on PSN I was able to go 35+Kills to less than 10 deaths almost immediately. This got me wondering if there is just a lack of skill in the competition on PSN? This seems to be the truth because the next day I went home and jumped on XBL and got my posterior handed to me numerous times, sometime on a silver platter.

I know that XBL has more members and, I have to admit having both PSN and XBL, a better online service but you would think that the range of skill would be distributed evenly. It seemed that when I played on PSN I was going up against competition on the shallow end of the bell curve. No offense but COD: MW2 just seemed easier on PSN than XBL, a fact that I have personally experienced. There are may variables to consider but I was playing at around 9pm Mountain time, 11pm pacific, until about 3am, 5 am pacific, on a saturday when quite a few, if not the majority of gamers are online, usually I am not onloine on saturday evening  for I am at the bar/pub/club getting sloshed and dancing, but seeing as it was a non-payday week I stayed in and did the ol' '12 pack and a bottle gig'. Maybe my skills were improved by the alcohol lowering the viscosity of my blood. Maybe our 'herbal' aromatherapy aligned my chakras enough to make me into an unstoppable killing machine. Or maybe, just maybe MW2 on PSN is just easier.

Originally Posted by LTMS206

I see, most of you guys with the high K/D Ratio play on PSN. There are less people, & less competition. 
Thats real talk right there, I play for both systems and the dudes on 360 are way better
i Have like a 10% accuracy because ive been using akimbo uzis without steady aim for about a month
Originally Posted by henz0

Originally Posted by LTMS206

I see, most of you guys with the high K/D Ratio play on PSN. There are less people, & less competition. 
Thats real talk right there, I play for both systems and the dudes on 360 are way better

you have 3 hrs of gameplay on ps3
u play for 1 system
i play on both, i only have about half the kills i do on psn but my kdr is about the same on both systems.

I played the Stimulus pack at my friend's house about 3 weeks ago, and was able to maintain my PSN K/D while on XBox live. And that's with the stupid XBox controller.

While I do continue to hear that players on XBox are better than PS3, I definitely run into many skillfull players on the PSN. But I also play against so many trash 10th prestiges that I think of that gold skull emblem as a joke.
i play on both systems... especially when cod4 was popping

in my experience, theres more skilled players in psn and xbl. in xbl theres just more kids cursing racial slurs and homoerotic profanities.

but like taptap said, whenever i see a bunch of 10th prestige with that skull, i know its gonna be easy target practice.
Originally Posted by henz0

Originally Posted by LTMS206

I see, most of you guys with the high K/D Ratio play on PSN. There are less people, & less competition. 
Thats real talk right there, I play for both systems and the dudes on 360 are way better
come on man you were losing when i joined your match on PSN

the dudes on 360 are way better at camping and hacking the !*$% out of a game i give you that.
PSN: marcgrat
No camping I hate it, i tend to die a lot because i just run to the middle of the map and everyone camping kills me.
18.xx% accuracy
1.30 K/D
0.43 W/L (I play domination and tdm and get stuck with crap teams)
9 Nukes
Best game: 61-5

I'm far from the best but I like to think I'm pretty good.
Originally Posted by sole vintage

Originally Posted by henz0

Originally Posted by LTMS206

I see, most of you guys with the high K/D Ratio play on PSN. There are less people, & less competition. 
Thats real talk right there, I play for both systems and the dudes on 360 are way better
come on man you were losing when i joined your match on PSN

the dudes on 360 are way better at camping and hacking the !*$% out of a game i give you that.
One match? Nowhere did I say I'm unstoppable on there, I'm just giving my honest opinion.  My k/d on PSN is 1.66 I think?? and 1.45 on XBL

@ str8cash I told you i broke my controller
People care about their win/loss?

If I get into a match midgame that I dont like, almost done, whatever.

I get ghost.
im ok at the game, i like to mess around with different guns and use the riotshield lol
Originally Posted by LTMS206

I see, most of you guys with the high K/D Ratio play on PSN. There are less people, & less competition. 
You must have a ghost writer, no way in hell anybody with half your brain would come up with something like that.
You're more likely to run into a clan on XBL giving you the illusion that there are more skilled people when in actuality it's just that they cover each other from every angle. Other then that, there's no real difference in skill level on the two.
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