Who is the fattest NTer vol turn a bad thing into a good thing... and eat it

PYB in disguise
Scientific Method wrote:
Originally Posted by trak1sh

So why are yall this big? Did you just give up on life?

I got a thyroid problem and big bones.

+@! is a thyroid
Originally Posted by leothegod

i was at 300. im 5'10.... im like 230 now.

What was your pants size? 300 @ 5'10 is massive.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Originally Posted by trak1sh

So why are yall this big? Did you just give up on life?

I got a thyroid problem and big bones.
Whats wrong with your thyroid?
There is medication for slow thyroid ifs thats it.

Miss me with that Big bones stuff.
I was about 240 my freshman year in hs.  By senior year I was down to 160 fitting medium shirts 
.  Decided to put on muscle and hit the weights.  I weighed about 185 in 05 and Im about 5'10. Now im back up to 235 and ready to lose some weight.  My girl says I dont look fat at all but she's referring to 300 pounders.  I would like to be back to around 190 to be happy.  I slipped big time. 
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Originally Posted by trak1sh

So why are yall this big? Did you just give up on life?

I got a thyroid problem and big bones.
Whats wrong with your thyroid?
There is medication for slow thyroid ifs thats it.

Miss me with that Big bones stuff.

I don't know if there's anything wrong with my thyroid. I was joking. My family has a history of diabetes and hypo kinetic, obesity related conditions but that's no excuse.

I used to be in decent shape but once college was over, couldn't play ball 4hrs a day and lift and everything, changed to only weekends. Weight was gained, knees hurt, made me workout less, got lazier and lazier and more sedentary, diet game slipped off, and now since I moved I have become super sedentary. The fatter I got the less energy I had to work out as well as motivation as frankly having a belly gets uncomfortable

All that is still just excuses though, end of the day it's motivation and I let myself get this way. When I was motivated, I used to wake up at 6AM and do HIIT on the treadmill before going to work. Like I said, I have been fatter before and got it all off and kept it off. Need to do it again.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

I got a thyroid problem and big bones.
Whats wrong with your thyroid?
There is medication for slow thyroid ifs thats it.

Miss me with that Big bones stuff.

I don't know if there's anything wrong with my thyroid. I was joking. My family has a history of diabetes and hypo kinetic, obesity related conditions but that's no excuse.

I used to be in decent shape but once college was over, couldn't play ball 4hrs a day and lift and everything, changed to only weekends. Weight was gained, knees hurt, made me workout less, got lazier and lazier and more sedentary, diet game slipped off, and now since I moved I have become super sedentary. The fatter I got the less energy I had to work out as well as motivation as frankly having a belly gets uncomfortable

All that is still just excuses though, end of the day it's motivation and I let myself get this way. When I was motivated, I used to wake up at 6AM and do HIIT on the treadmill before going to work. Like I said, I have been fatter before and got it all off and kept it off. Need to do it again.
oh ok
Its all about getting out there and doing something, Ive had a knee problem since elementary and because of it always failed sport physicals.

Learn what works with your body, you can ride and swim instead of joint hitting compact like HIIT.

I gained freshman 15 and started that HIIT stuff, my knee started to lose cartilage

I now only do non joint impact.

You can lose a lot of weight just by lifting.

I did no cardio and lost weight.

They key is eating though.

Its up to you, the older you get the harder it gets, take care of your body.
Originally Posted by paliplaya2010

Originally Posted by AlBooBoo5

I was at 280 but I am back down to 180.

No %$!! man. But can you post a pic of your stomach. I went down from 270 to currently 195 and my damn stomach fat is pudding me off

Did you mean "putting" or was that intentional because this is a fat....errrrr....i mean husky boy thread?
The hell is goin on in here???

5'8" 140, 12 years of track/cross country>>>>>>>*

Advance upon thee

DAYTONA 5000[/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][-][/td][/tr][tr][td]
Posted: 02/09/121:17 AM
Godly metabolism FTW 

Originally Posted by Peep Game

The hell is goin on in here???

5'8" 140, 12 years of track/cross country>>>>>>>*

Advance upon thee

DAYTONA 5000[/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][-][/td][/tr][tr][td]
Posted: 02/09/121:17 AM
Godly metabolism FTW 

Originally Posted by Peep Game

The hell is goin on in here???

5'8" 140, 12 years of track/cross country>>>>>>>*

Advance upon thee

DAYTONA 5000[/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][-][/td][/tr][tr][td]
Posted: 02/09/121:17 AM
Godly metabolism FTW 


That's pretty little for your height.
 Cross counrty dudes stay slim, bulk up it wont kill you.
Originally Posted by shoefreakbaby

Originally Posted by Peep Game

The hell is goin on in here???

5'8" 140, 12 years of track/cross country>>>>>>>*

Advance upon thee

DAYTONA 5000[/td][td][/td][td][/td][td][-][/td][/tr][tr][td]
Posted: 02/09/121:17 AM
Godly metabolism FTW 

That's pretty little for your height.
 Cross counrty dudes stay slim, bulk up it wont kill you.
Spoiler [+]
Every older male in my family ends up with a massive gut. That ain't happening to me girl. And I gets no complaints #humblebrag
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