Originally Posted by meshies

This is whats wrong with the hip hop generation today.....

honestly yes, they should create a new category for this type of stuff rap/hip-hop/(new category)

I dont get it? Please define hip hop and tell me why this isnt it?
Originally Posted by bonafide125

If your from the south or suburbs. If your from NYC. HELL NO
that one made me laugh.

Any way Soulja Boi is WACK and i f you like him you dont know +!+! about hip-hop. Period.

But i wont hate on Soulja Boi, yall know the saying dont hate the player hate the game. Soulja Boi is a !%$!$++ genious. He knows that America is so dumbeddown on their music taste now adays and you can go platinum without any real skills and just some wack electronic beat rapping about some ******ed +!+! (i canteven call it rap on second thought) and make up some ******ed #%% dance. Soulja knows this and he exploits it and makes millions. I cant hate on that hes justgetting his. I can hate on Americas died down interest in real hip-hop and lyricism and southern rap in general.
Originally Posted by luigi202

Last night ya girl forehead was on my abs....

Despite the massive hate he receives on NT, I still rock with soulja boy. His freestyles and lyrics might not be potent, but they're entertaining to say the least. Also, Rich #$!%@ %%## Part I and III are comedy.

@ the Music Forum these days...

I'm ok with rocking to duke in the club but other than that, I don't even wanna hear an ad-lib from them.
Originally Posted by bonafide125

If your from the south or suburbs. If your from NYC. HELL NO
Yea NY niccas got to look hard all the time "Naw I dont want to dance with u ma Im muggin this dude across the club"and its IMPOSSIBLEto do the bird walk with those tight pants (with the belt too bruh?)

But yea Soulja Boy grew on me he got mo hits/monet then yo favorite rapper so I understand the hate
I think its stupid people keep saying if you know anything about hip-hop you can't like Soulja Boy. He's not trying to make serious music, or claim tobe some lyrical genius, dude makes party songs, everyone should know and expect this. He's good at doing what he does.

Complaining about SB not being lyrical is like complaining Nas can't make a song that gets booties shaking like "Get Low" does. That's notthe type of music he makes.
Originally Posted by mike rocks nikes

this dude is so wack
cassidy>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>soulja boy

WTH does Cassidy have to do with Soulja Boy? That is the oddest comparison I've seen in a while.
I never liked him. When he performed at my HS last year, he did one song and was practically begging to leave.

Oh, and when my school won the contest to have him perform, he refused at first because he didnt like Mexicans (my school is in SoCal), or something like that.Dont remeber exactly
didnt dude make it big from a youtube video?

if ur bumpin soulja boy then goddamn re-examine ur taste in music PLEASE
Originally Posted by ej205

Originally Posted by bonafide125

If your from the south or suburbs. If your from NYC. HELL NO
Yea NY niccas got to look hard all the time "Naw I dont want to dance with u ma Im muggin this dude across the club"and its IMPOSSIBLE to do the bird walk with those tight pants (with the belt too bruh?)

But yea Soulja Boy grew on me he got mo hits/monet then yo favorite rapper so I understand the hate

I agree 10000% in no way am I sayin he's top 10 dead or alive but i you cant rock this man in the club or
then you don't know how to have fun

P.S........ S.B. >>>>>>>>>> Cassidy replay value
Originally Posted by philly5fan

Originally Posted by 51and3rd

Originally Posted by philly5fan

This is whats wrong with the hip hop generation today.....

So i only aloud to listen to "Real Hip Hop", I cant listen to anything else. Who are you to determine what makes for real hip hop and exactly whats wrong with the state of hip hop today? Scared of change? Did the sugar hill gsmg rap like jay z and big? Hip Hop is not what you grew up listening to sorry, its more then a certain style of rap.
I didnt say youre only aloud to listen to real hip hop at all, you can listen to whatever you feel like...i can care less....but at the same time if youre gonna come at me with this argument why the hell do you bother making a thread on NT asking if its alright to listen to soulja boy??

Dudes and there "real hip hop".
Soulja Boys is a 17 year old kid from youtube who makes tracks called....gucci bandana, and she got a donk....If you are over the age of 16 and listening tothis guy in your headphones, car or the club then you seriously need to grow up.
Originally Posted by philly5fan

Soulja Boys is a 17 year old kid from youtube who makes tracks called....gucci bandana, and she got a donk....If you are over the age of 16 and listening to this guy in your headphones, car or the club then you seriously need to grow up.
Says the guy with a Batman avy

Get off yall high horse. My favorite rapper is Jay I get clowned on down here for listening to Nas, Kweli, Lupe, and Coldplay. But my guilty pleasures areGucci, Juiceman and Souja

Does that make me immature?
Originally Posted by ej205

Originally Posted by philly5fan

Soulja Boys is a 17 year old kid from youtube who makes tracks called....gucci bandana, and she got a donk....If you are over the age of 16 and listening to this guy in your headphones, car or the club then you seriously need to grow up.
Says the guy with a Batman avy

Get off yall high horse. My favorite rapper is Jay I get clowned on down here for listening to Nas, Kweli, Lupe, and Coldplay. But my guilty pleasures are Gucci, Juiceman and Souja

Does that make me immature?

Why so serious? but na listen to whoever you want....different strokes for different folks I guess
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