Who shot the nose off the Sphinx?

Originally Posted by HipHopDoc09

Originally Posted by PUSHA C

i love how people try to discredit the THEORY that white people shot it off because it was in a NaS song... like its HIS theory

Yea I cant dig the whole "yal believin what was in a rap song" Like all rappers are just idots and the culture is not to be taken seriously
 Yal kill me wit dat %**+


defensive, much? 
.. it's just a theory, right?
Originally Posted by HipHopDoc09

Originally Posted by PUSHA C

i love how people try to discredit the THEORY that white people shot it off because it was in a NaS song... like its HIS theory

Yea I cant dig the whole "yal believin what was in a rap song" Like all rappers are just idots and the culture is not to be taken seriously
 Yal kill me wit dat %**+


defensive, much? 
.. it's just a theory, right?
Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by HipHopDoc09

Originally Posted by PUSHA C

i love how people try to discredit the THEORY that white people shot it off because it was in a NaS song... like its HIS theory

Yea I cant dig the whole "yal believin what was in a rap song" Like all rappers are just idots and the culture is not to be taken seriously
 Yal kill me wit dat %**+


defensive, much? 
.. it's just a theory, right?
i was simply pointing out that idiotic train of thought...
Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by HipHopDoc09

Originally Posted by PUSHA C

i love how people try to discredit the THEORY that white people shot it off because it was in a NaS song... like its HIS theory

Yea I cant dig the whole "yal believin what was in a rap song" Like all rappers are just idots and the culture is not to be taken seriously
 Yal kill me wit dat %**+


defensive, much? 
.. it's just a theory, right?
i was simply pointing out that idiotic train of thought...
Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by IT B BERT

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I don't think people realize exactly how many groups of people have run through Egypt. 

Romans, Arabs, the British etc.....it could have been anyone.
It's crazy to see people on here sincerely trying to push the "white" people discrediting "black" people !!*#@+$! that I'm sure they continue to tell themselves every day. Some guy talking about, "I thought everyone knew that." No, maybe you're just really simple minded. Whatever floats your boat.

i really dont want this to turn into another race thread, but i feel the same way. 

I don't discredit the fact that the original Egyptians were "black Africans" but Egypt has gone through many changes in cultural and racial make-up.......not all of it is the doing of the "white man". Egyptian culture is literally a conglomerate of multiple civilizations in Eurasia, Europe, Africa, possibly Alien
Originally Posted by proper english

Originally Posted by IT B BERT

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I don't think people realize exactly how many groups of people have run through Egypt. 

Romans, Arabs, the British etc.....it could have been anyone.
It's crazy to see people on here sincerely trying to push the "white" people discrediting "black" people !!*#@+$! that I'm sure they continue to tell themselves every day. Some guy talking about, "I thought everyone knew that." No, maybe you're just really simple minded. Whatever floats your boat.

i really dont want this to turn into another race thread, but i feel the same way. 

I don't discredit the fact that the original Egyptians were "black Africans" but Egypt has gone through many changes in cultural and racial make-up.......not all of it is the doing of the "white man". Egyptian culture is literally a conglomerate of multiple civilizations in Eurasia, Europe, Africa, possibly Alien
Originally Posted by Eyrkel

Sudan, Abyssinia (Ethiopia), Egypt, Libya made up the empire we call Egypt. Darfur, Chad, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania may have also been part of this empire. Federalism ?. Africa has had many "black" ruled and governed states, example Mali, Ghana, Nigeria, As for the destruction of the sphinx nose, we can only assume who might have destroyed it. A large majority of what you've learned in school regarding international history are all based on half truths to make the state look prestige's, patriotic, etc.

Cocaine mummies, now thats something y'all should be looking into. Its obvious who destroyed the sphinx nose, but then again evidence needs to be provided, which i doubt will ever be found unless there's trace amounts of gun powder still on the nostril area of the sphinx.

Do Tell
Originally Posted by Eyrkel

Sudan, Abyssinia (Ethiopia), Egypt, Libya made up the empire we call Egypt. Darfur, Chad, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania may have also been part of this empire. Federalism ?. Africa has had many "black" ruled and governed states, example Mali, Ghana, Nigeria, As for the destruction of the sphinx nose, we can only assume who might have destroyed it. A large majority of what you've learned in school regarding international history are all based on half truths to make the state look prestige's, patriotic, etc.

Cocaine mummies, now thats something y'all should be looking into. Its obvious who destroyed the sphinx nose, but then again evidence needs to be provided, which i doubt will ever be found unless there's trace amounts of gun powder still on the nostril area of the sphinx.

Do Tell
Originally Posted by devildog1776

It was the white people who destroyed it... I believe it was when Napolean came through with his Jesuit gang.... They came from the tombs with the song we know today as the cross... Brought it back to Europe and said" with this sign we shall conquer" .

Blacks and Arabs lived together in N Africa and co existed better than most would think. All the pharaohs weren't black some were of Arab decent none of Caucasian decent as they would like you to think.

The nose was seen far away so they decided to cut it off to strip our people of our history.

The last pharoah of Egypt was neither African nor Muslim. Now if you're asserting that Macedonians, Romans, Greeks aren't "caucasian" I can't even argue that.....Caucasian is a pretty vague term. But many people of that lineage consider themselves white.
Originally Posted by devildog1776

It was the white people who destroyed it... I believe it was when Napolean came through with his Jesuit gang.... They came from the tombs with the song we know today as the cross... Brought it back to Europe and said" with this sign we shall conquer" .

Blacks and Arabs lived together in N Africa and co existed better than most would think. All the pharaohs weren't black some were of Arab decent none of Caucasian decent as they would like you to think.

The nose was seen far away so they decided to cut it off to strip our people of our history.

The last pharoah of Egypt was neither African nor Muslim. Now if you're asserting that Macedonians, Romans, Greeks aren't "caucasian" I can't even argue that.....Caucasian is a pretty vague term. But many people of that lineage consider themselves white.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by devildog1776

It was the white people who destroyed it... I believe it was when Napolean came through with his Jesuit gang.... They came from the tombs with the song we know today as the cross... Brought it back to Europe and said" with this sign we shall conquer" .

Blacks and Arabs lived together in N Africa and co existed better than most would think. All the pharaohs weren't black some were of Arab decent none of Caucasian decent as they would like you to think.

The nose was seen far away so they decided to cut it off to strip our people of our history.

The last pharoah of Egypt was neither African nor Muslim. Now if you're asserting that Macedonians, Romans, Greeks aren't "caucasian" I can't even argue that.....Caucasian is a pretty vague term. But many people of that lineage consider themselves white.
Those last pharaohs really ween't true pharaohs, they  were frauds and conquerers. The only way to conquer a place greater than your own homeland is to dominate and take over the traditions. 
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by devildog1776

It was the white people who destroyed it... I believe it was when Napolean came through with his Jesuit gang.... They came from the tombs with the song we know today as the cross... Brought it back to Europe and said" with this sign we shall conquer" .

Blacks and Arabs lived together in N Africa and co existed better than most would think. All the pharaohs weren't black some were of Arab decent none of Caucasian decent as they would like you to think.

The nose was seen far away so they decided to cut it off to strip our people of our history.

The last pharoah of Egypt was neither African nor Muslim. Now if you're asserting that Macedonians, Romans, Greeks aren't "caucasian" I can't even argue that.....Caucasian is a pretty vague term. But many people of that lineage consider themselves white.
Those last pharaohs really ween't true pharaohs, they  were frauds and conquerers. The only way to conquer a place greater than your own homeland is to dominate and take over the traditions. 
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by devildog1776

It was the white people who destroyed it... I believe it was when Napolean came through with his Jesuit gang.... They came from the tombs with the song we know today as the cross... Brought it back to Europe and said" with this sign we shall conquer" .

Blacks and Arabs lived together in N Africa and co existed better than most would think. All the pharaohs weren't black some were of Arab decent none of Caucasian decent as they would like you to think.

The nose was seen far away so they decided to cut it off to strip our people of our history.

The last pharoah of Egypt was neither African nor Muslim. Now if you're asserting that Macedonians, Romans, Greeks aren't "caucasian" I can't even argue that.....Caucasian is a pretty vague term. But many people of that lineage consider themselves white.
Those last pharaohs really ween't true pharaohs, they  were frauds and conquerers. The only way to conquer a place greater than your own homeland is to dominate and take over the traditions. 
Not really sure what makes a "true Pharoah". I do know Cleopatra was raised in Egyptian culture and embraced  Egyptians mythology like many other people of Macedonian descent. Whether her heritage made her a "false pharoah" is debatable....im not even sure what a true Pharoah is. To me a Pharoah is akin to any other king in Ancient times who conjured divine power to legitimize his leadership which is essentially what cleopatra did.

Egypt was a great civilization way before the Macedonians and Arabs got there. There is a reason why it was conquered but many of its traditions/ culture/ literature/ architecture were adopted and blended with the culture of the conquerors.
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by devildog1776

It was the white people who destroyed it... I believe it was when Napolean came through with his Jesuit gang.... They came from the tombs with the song we know today as the cross... Brought it back to Europe and said" with this sign we shall conquer" .

Blacks and Arabs lived together in N Africa and co existed better than most would think. All the pharaohs weren't black some were of Arab decent none of Caucasian decent as they would like you to think.

The nose was seen far away so they decided to cut it off to strip our people of our history.

The last pharoah of Egypt was neither African nor Muslim. Now if you're asserting that Macedonians, Romans, Greeks aren't "caucasian" I can't even argue that.....Caucasian is a pretty vague term. But many people of that lineage consider themselves white.
Those last pharaohs really ween't true pharaohs, they  were frauds and conquerers. The only way to conquer a place greater than your own homeland is to dominate and take over the traditions. 
Not really sure what makes a "true Pharoah". I do know Cleopatra was raised in Egyptian culture and embraced  Egyptians mythology like many other people of Macedonian descent. Whether her heritage made her a "false pharoah" is debatable....im not even sure what a true Pharoah is. To me a Pharoah is akin to any other king in Ancient times who conjured divine power to legitimize his leadership which is essentially what cleopatra did.

Egypt was a great civilization way before the Macedonians and Arabs got there. There is a reason why it was conquered but many of its traditions/ culture/ literature/ architecture were adopted and blended with the culture of the conquerors.
Not to say it wasn't Napoleon or "The White Man", but vandalism was going on DURING the time of the Pharaohs. Probably not, but it could have happened then, who knows. I wasn't there, you wasn't there, and neither was NaS. j/k
Not to say it wasn't Napoleon or "The White Man", but vandalism was going on DURING the time of the Pharaohs. Probably not, but it could have happened then, who knows. I wasn't there, you wasn't there, and neither was NaS. j/k
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

The last pharoah of Egypt was neither African nor Muslim. Now if you're asserting that Macedonians, Romans, Greeks aren't "caucasian" I can't even argue that.....Caucasian is a pretty vague term. But many people of that lineage consider themselves white.
Those last pharaohs really ween't true pharaohs, they  were frauds and conquerers. The only way to conquer a place greater than your own homeland is to dominate and take over the traditions. 
Not really sure what makes a "true Pharoah". I do know Cleopatra was raised in Egyptian culture and embraced  Egyptians mythology like many other people of Macedonian descent. Whether her heritage made her a "false pharoah" is debatable....im not even sure what a true Pharoah is. To me a Pharoah is akin to any other king in Ancient times who conjured divine power to legitimize his leadership which is essentially what cleopatra did.

Egypt was a great civilization way before the Macedonians and Arabs got there. There is a reason why it was conquered but many of its traditions/ culture/ literature/ architecture were adopted and blended with the culture of the conquerors.
A true pharoah (not even the word for king but translates to "High House") was considered to be a manifestation of the sun in human form. It's where the title (Sa-Ra) comes from Sa=descendant of Ra=Sun. 
Genesis 6: 1-8   

When man began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.  Then the Lord said, "My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal, his days will be a hundred and twenty years,"  
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days--and also afterward -- when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them.  They were the heroes of old, men of renown. 

     The Lord saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.  The Lord was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain.  So the Lord said, "I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth--men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and birds of the air--for I am grieved that I have made."  But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord (NIV).

By the time Cleopatra and the rest of the invaders came to Egypt to learn in the mystery schools it had already fallen.

Dost thou not know, O Aesculapius, that Egypt is an image of heaven, or, more truly, a translation and descent of all things which are ordered and transacted there, that it is, in truth, if we may say so, to be the temple of the whole world? -Augustine on Hermes Trismegistus

Egypt just like all the rest of the pyramid cities around the world designed after the star plans in heaven (sky). All of these places were built as monuments to heaven and places neither here nor there. Pyramid cities point to being satellite cities of a larger and greater network.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

The last pharoah of Egypt was neither African nor Muslim. Now if you're asserting that Macedonians, Romans, Greeks aren't "caucasian" I can't even argue that.....Caucasian is a pretty vague term. But many people of that lineage consider themselves white.
Those last pharaohs really ween't true pharaohs, they  were frauds and conquerers. The only way to conquer a place greater than your own homeland is to dominate and take over the traditions. 
Not really sure what makes a "true Pharoah". I do know Cleopatra was raised in Egyptian culture and embraced  Egyptians mythology like many other people of Macedonian descent. Whether her heritage made her a "false pharoah" is debatable....im not even sure what a true Pharoah is. To me a Pharoah is akin to any other king in Ancient times who conjured divine power to legitimize his leadership which is essentially what cleopatra did.

Egypt was a great civilization way before the Macedonians and Arabs got there. There is a reason why it was conquered but many of its traditions/ culture/ literature/ architecture were adopted and blended with the culture of the conquerors.
A true pharoah (not even the word for king but translates to "High House") was considered to be a manifestation of the sun in human form. It's where the title (Sa-Ra) comes from Sa=descendant of Ra=Sun. 
Genesis 6: 1-8   

When man began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.  Then the Lord said, "My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal, his days will be a hundred and twenty years,"  
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days--and also afterward -- when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them.  They were the heroes of old, men of renown. 

     The Lord saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.  The Lord was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain.  So the Lord said, "I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth--men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and birds of the air--for I am grieved that I have made."  But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord (NIV).

By the time Cleopatra and the rest of the invaders came to Egypt to learn in the mystery schools it had already fallen.

Dost thou not know, O Aesculapius, that Egypt is an image of heaven, or, more truly, a translation and descent of all things which are ordered and transacted there, that it is, in truth, if we may say so, to be the temple of the whole world? -Augustine on Hermes Trismegistus

Egypt just like all the rest of the pyramid cities around the world designed after the star plans in heaven (sky). All of these places were built as monuments to heaven and places neither here nor there. Pyramid cities point to being satellite cities of a larger and greater network.
Originally Posted by Wr

The noses were missing on a lot of things over there done as a campaign to cut off the breath to certain individuals.

Heard it was napoleon, but who know's for sure how it really went down.
this is close to what ive heard.. i was thinking about this the other day, cuz it was on msn.com 
Originally Posted by Wr

The noses were missing on a lot of things over there done as a campaign to cut off the breath to certain individuals.

Heard it was napoleon, but who know's for sure how it really went down.
this is close to what ive heard.. i was thinking about this the other day, cuz it was on msn.com 
Originally Posted by Wr

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Wr

Those last pharaohs really ween't true pharaohs, they  were frauds and conquerers. The only way to conquer a place greater than your own homeland is to dominate and take over the traditions. 
Not really sure what makes a "true Pharoah". I do know Cleopatra was raised in Egyptian culture and embraced  Egyptians mythology like many other people of Macedonian descent. Whether her heritage made her a "false pharoah" is debatable....im not even sure what a true Pharoah is. To me a Pharoah is akin to any other king in Ancient times who conjured divine power to legitimize his leadership which is essentially what cleopatra did.

Egypt was a great civilization way before the Macedonians and Arabs got there. There is a reason why it was conquered but many of its traditions/ culture/ literature/ architecture were adopted and blended with the culture of the conquerors.
A true pharoah (not even the word for king but translates to "High House") was considered to be a manifestation of the sun in human form. It's where the title (Sa-Ra) comes from Sa=descendant of Ra=Sun. 
Genesis 6: 1-8   

When man began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.  Then the Lord said, "My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal, his days will be a hundred and twenty years,"  
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days--and also afterward -- when the sons of God went to the daughters of men and had children by them.  They were the heroes of old, men of renown. 

     The Lord saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.  The Lord was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain.  So the Lord said, "I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth--men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and birds of the air--for I am grieved that I have made."  But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord (NIV).
By the time Cleopatra and the rest of the invaders came to Egypt to learn in the mystery schools it had already fallen.

Dost thou not know, O Aesculapius, that Egypt is an image of heaven, or, more truly, a translation and descent of all things which are ordered and transacted there, that it is, in truth, if we may say so, to be the temple of the whole world? -Augustine on Hermes Trismegistus

Egypt just like all the rest of the pyramid cities around the world designed after the star plans in heaven (sky). All of these places were built as monuments to heaven and places neither here nor there. Pyramid cities point to being satellite cities of a larger and greater network.

Like I said, to me the Pharoahs were merely men who pretended to be Gods....but that is my opinion. Egyptian Pharoahs were no different from Kings from other civilizations who used divinity to legitimize their reign.

And when describing Egyptian mythology please refrain from using genesis....I know genesis is an archetypal story of creation and the spawn of mankind but I  need better/more original literature.

So he wiped mankind off the earth because they were wicked? Every single man on the f^^$$$ planet was wicked. Are you bloody killing me?

Why were the animals also deemed punishable for man's wickedness?
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