Who should be the next coach of the Lakers?

What are some coaches who did well coaching a team that they used to play a long time for? (I'm thinking about Byron Scott coaching the Lakers for a longtime somewhere down the road).
the lack of respect for phil jackson is disturbing. i hope when his contract is up, we fire mike d, and give phil a lifetime deal.

as for the original question, i guess bryan shaw. byron scott played for the lakers, but that doesn't mean he'll ever end up there, similar to phil andny.

doc rivers better than phil jackson lol
how bout shaq coaching kobe?

anyways phil is not going anywhere until he wins that 10th ring and i like jim cleamons or b.shaw
Originally Posted by copped

Originally Posted by AJ33

I think at some point we'll see Byron Scott coaching the Lakers. After Phil leaves probably Rambis, but like we saw before players don't really take him all that seriously. As far as firing Phil Jackson, that makes no sense at all. I'm sure his contract is guranteed so you'd have to pay him that money anyways. there's also not one coach in the NBA right now that's on par with Phil.


I love people who have no clue what goes on in the NBA and basketball in general and throw out statements left and right like their facts.

Phil's style of just sitting back the whole game and not once getting off his chair won't work anymore. It did in the previous era when players were motivated and mature enough to realize their mistakes, and not to mention have a leader to break heads if their teammates were not on track.

With this new group of young guys, he needs to get out there and yell and know who is boss. Something tells me he is no different in practice either.

Having said all that....you can contrast him with Greg Poppovich...this guy had the worst and i mean WORST lineup for the first 15 games this season...Duncan + 8-9 bums. literally no names, half the players i didnt even know were on the court. He turned them into quality role players, and solid contributors, gave them confidence. But did it all through his strict and stern attitude that he has always had. Great record, and the spurs will only be a beast to reckon with down the end. No way Phil would have done that.

better coaches i think then phil right now:


I just don't see Phil doing anything, hes very inactive, and i cant take him serious.
Originally Posted by ERASCISM

Phillip's contract expires after next season. Who are the candidates to succeed him? Will they go out and find the best available coach or promote someone like Rambis? Not even sure what Rambis teaches, and he sucked in his first stint as HC.

Honestly, if they don't win the chip this season (and right now their defense will see that they don't), PJ should be fired. He's getting paid $12 million to sit in a massage chair. What is that staff teachin'? That's a ridiculous sum of money for a head coach to be making. Cash him out and bring in someone who will take their jacket off during a game and bust out some neck veins.

I wouldn't mind JVG coaching the Lakers. He teaches defense, hustlin', bustin' that ***. You play defense first and then score. Forget Showtime. A 92-79 win is more impressive than this 118-109 foolery.

Share your thoughts.

I actually wouldn't mind this either, JVG is a good coach
I wouldn't be opposed to him taking the job if he's up for it
The COPPED dude who went on to put phil jackson down then included Rivers in his argument pretty much killed his point. you are obviously the one lacking someserious nba knowledge. Its a known fact around the league rivers is not a good basketball coach. hes a good motivation guy, and thats all the celtics need soit works. Anything more than that no.

Before you get all heated about phil jackson kiss the zen masters rings. When Dennis Rodman says this guy made you believe in basketball and the team concept,your spot in history is locked
If I had a choice, I want a coach that is going to PREACH D.

This team has too many folks that can score but won't play an ounce of D.

JVG is a good coach.
People who say Magic are smoking rocks. He tired once...it didn't end well.
I could see Byron, but he has a great situation over in NO.
I like Avery. I think he could fit well.
Did someone seriously say Doc Rivers is a better coach than Phil Jackson?


The COPPED dude who went on to put phil jackson down then included Rivers in his argument pretty much killed his point. you are obviously the one lacking some serious nba knowledge. Its a known fact around the league rivers is not a good basketball coach. hes a good motivation guy, and thats all the celtics need so it works. Anything more than that no.

Before you get all heated about phil jackson kiss the zen masters rings. When Dennis Rodman says this guy made you believe in basketball and the team concept, your spot in history is locked

Reading is fundamental. I said who is a better coach NOW. I would take Doc rivers on the sideline yelling, screaming, preaching, motivating before i willtake phil jackson sitting in his high chair, smirking, looking down at the floor and doing absolutely nothing.

Those days are gone. The players in the league now are too pampered and they need someone like Doc or Pop to yell and put you in check.

Plus i dont think lakers lost in the finals because there was a lack of talent, they lost because phil was out coached. Putting in walton, radmonovic, andsasha when you need vets out there, or need lamar in. Countless times i would go What is phil doing?

So would i want doc over phil today? yes...3-4 years ago? no.

I dont see how anyone can disagree and how ANYONE can be happy with phil and the way he coaches...he doesnt hold anyone accountable..lol one thing he alwaysdoes is punish radmonovic but other then that nothing really..

I was watching the dallas vs spurs game yesterday and after ginobili missed that running leaning at the buzzer and it went to OT...POP gave him a cold stareand ginobili tried to plead his case and pop was just like "shut up"...lol and you best believe ginobili hit like 2-3 threes after that.

so, if the lakers win it all this year, what will you say then? that phil got lucky?

i think it's difficult to judge who is a better coach when all we can see is what they do for 48 minutes. we don't see what the coaches do after thegames, before the game, in practice etc

maybe phil does all his yelling and berating before the cameras are on, how would we know? maybe he doesn't do it all, because it isn't needed. but tosay you want doc over phil is baffling to me. doc was thisclose to being fired last season- then he gets a great defensive coach added to his staff, signsposey, and trades for two superstars, and now he's great?

i'll give you pop, but doc? no thanks.
Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

so, if the lakers win it all this year, what will you say then? that phil got lucky?

i think it's difficult to judge who is a better coach when all we can see is what they do for 48 minutes. we don't see what the coaches do after the games, before the game, in practice etc

maybe phil does all his yelling and berating before the cameras are on, how would we know? maybe he doesn't do it all, because it isn't needed. but to say you want doc over phil is baffling to me. doc was thisclose to being fired last season- then he gets a great defensive coach added to his staff, signs posey, and trades for two superstars, and now he's great?

i'll give you pop, but doc? no thanks.

Are we really going to go down that road and point out the Doc had a bad season with the worst team in the league?

Because if we do we can argue that phil has always been given great players, he has always put himself in a position where he is coaching the top two playersin the league or at least top player....so if that is the case..why is phils success of more emphasis then doc's lack of success without any players(pierce)...

It goes both ways, and now that they both have good players....the celtics are playing better, the team chemistry is better and all that...and its even moreamazing especially coming out of a championship...because usually teams start to slack off...but their even more hungry...which is great and how every team inthe league should be....

let me ask you this...the year lakers lost in the finals to the pistons + last year....would you rather have poppovich or phil?

I think if pop was coaching the lakers last year...they would have beat celtics 4-2..and would definately not lost to the pistons..

thats a seperate argument but im just saying Phil needs to be more vocal with a younger team, kobe isnt the type to be vocal like KG was or MJ because he isscared to be seen as a team basher which has always happened when he has spoken out.

phil is a better coach by far then doc...but right now id rather have someone who is willing to break heads for the lakers then phil..
Phil; is not that great IMO... been watching him coach for thirteen years.... hes an average coach with hall of fame players
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