Who was your most hated childhood enemy? Vol. fat kids with bowl cuts

Originally Posted by COOLnificent

I remember one day during a P.E. session we were playing "Smear the Kweer", a one man against all variation of football where if you picked up the football and sometimes bottle you was the hunted.

we used to call that "kill the man with the ball"
Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

Originally Posted by COOLnificent

I remember one day during a P.E. session we were playing "Smear the Kweer", a one man against all variation of football where if you picked up the football and sometimes bottle you was the hunted.

we used to call that "kill the man with the ball"
We were calling that game "smear the %*!%!" up into middle school... I remember my Dad kept telling me to stop calling it that, I waslike "what, Dad? That's what everyone calls it, it's no big deal" but looking back on it now, man that was some ruthless homophobicterminology
makes me think of Matthew Shepard and shhhh wherethat must have came from.

I felt the bubblin' sensation that happens with diarrhea. I told Ms. Womack it was an emergency, but I used that excuse a few times just to go to the water fountain...

Originally Posted by Damu

i only had 1 in elementary school. dude was some psycho named bryce. in kindergarten dude would spit at me and try to choke me out. got rid of him in 1st grade but 2nd grade he sat at me desk. he would pick his nose and chase me around the room with it (smh teacher did nothing). a couple times i we had to write something for class and he snatched my paper ripped it up and ate it, then i would get in trouble for not having mine done in time. he finally stopped after he stabbed me with a pencil and missed me eye by like a cm, my mom flipped and got him removed from my class.
at me, if i could go back i would have +%$+$% that little +@!+$! up.

lmao this was so funny. I'm sorry for laughing at your misfortune.

My antagonist during high school was a female named Marche. Basically I first met this female first grade while on the little league field she was playing onthe opposing team and when she arrived to my base she started popping her gums from jump. Soon after I transferred to the same school as her where her yappingresumed. She'd start yapping as soon as anything of interest happened with me such as my getting a new shirt or a good grade on a test. This lasted all theway up until we graduated from High School. This girl was awful one of her worst acts was kicking a pregnant girl in the stomach until she miscarried.She wasthe type to pop off at the mouth then hide behind the men she was banging at the time (usually 10 years our senior). During the last week of High School I justblacked out on her. If I were to see her again I wouldn't pursue conflict but she is the type to start for the sake of entertainment. This person alonepushed me out of my quiet phase into a more vocal and outspoken person.
All in all I'm over it. My sister said shes now a hoodrat with 3 kids and 3 baby daddy so I guess I'm the one that came out on top.
no bullies just annoying people who followed me around. you couldn't do anything at my school, bunch of softees at my elementary/middle school. i evenintimidated one of my teachers by being sarcastic right back to her, she was the B#$#iest teacher ever
11th grade year of high school some dude kept trying to test me. i let alot of stuff slide just because i never felt it was that serious. i ended up getting aniverson 76ers authentic jersey for my birthday. (this was back before no one really wore authentic jerseys because they cost so much and weren't all overthe place like they were during the fad) one day i went to p.e and left my stuff in my locker, i come back the jersey is gone.

two days later i see that same dude wearing my black size 48 champion iverson authentic, i low key stalked him throughout the day and waited until he got hislunch and had his hands full, i rushed him and started going off on his face, and took my jersey back. we ended up fighting again after school and i got thebetter of him, his cousin tried to get me off of him during the second fight but that wasn't happening.

funny thing happened though, 7 years later in 2007 i had to do cal trans freeway cleanup as part of my punishment for an incident i got into. i ended up seeinghim there because he had to do cal trans too. we both had to do 15 days of cal trans and started on the same day. by day 4 or 5 we just ended up talking aboutlife and stuff in general and how we both ended up doing alot of stupid stuff when we were younger and how we both ended up getting in trouble and having to docal trans because we kept doing dumb stuff. we ended up squashing that high school beef and dude is one of my more reliable friends now. crazy how thatsituation panned out.
i smoked a blunt with mine on thanksgiving eve
this kid named artie that i played cyo basketball against and he always killed us because he was a freaking chucker and jsut never missed
still hate him now but hes a cool dude
Originally Posted by laronsikes

All in all I'm over it. My sister said shes now a hoodrat with 3 kids and 3 baby daddy so I guess I'm the one that came out on top.

Whenever I find out about stuff like this I just feel
Horrible peoplewho thought they were better than everyone else deserve a crap life.
In sixth grade I went to a Catholic-private school. There was this fat kid, Tim Short, who had picked on me. Somehow, the kid just hated me, but not mybrother. He used to always punch me on the arm and it would bruise up cause I was a frail guy. He also got heated at how I used to beat him at this basketballgame all of us would play during recess or after school while waiting for the bus. He also did some weird-gay stuff like try to put his bare butt in my face.

The following year, I went back to public school and this fruit cup used to call me mad racial slurs. During the time, he was the biggest kid out of all theseventh graders and used to play football, so all the dudes and girls were all over his D, even all the eighth graders at the middle school just seemed to lovehim. We never actually fought, but it was tough hearing all these racial slurs every single until the eighth grade when he wasn't in any of my classes. Toomake matters worse though, the gym teacher who was also the football coach mad racial remarks towards me when the kid was there, making it appear acceptablefor him to continue saying all this +%%+#+%+ to me. The kid got salty when this girl he liked was feelin' me and I would grab her booty. If I was toconfront the kid now I just want to take a hammer and bash his face in for making my transition to a new school so terrible. This kid is now a loser, namedjordan west, probably sleepin' behind some Krogers' dumpster.

I consider these bullies too. In 10th grade, my biology teacher accused me of smuggling drugs on campus and took my bookbag and searched through it and thenclaimed he thought my calculator looked like a ziploc bag of weed. He also started crackin' racial jokes immediately after that incident and did notapologize once. I wanted to for so long to hit him with my car hoping he would explode since he was obese.

I consider this teacher a bully too. Freshman year of college in English 101, the teacher had graded all my papers and like all instructors are supposed torecord the grade in the computer/grade book etc. Until the end of the semester she gave me a D- and said that she had lost all of my papers and it was my faultfor not notifying her she had lost it. She even wrote the same thing on my final paper which was all she had
. What kind of monkey *$%# is that?
High school was hell. From 9th to 10 grade, this one dude used to constantly pick on me for no reason. I was pretty shy and kept to myself, but this dude wasalways trying to put me on blast. It was so odd too cause he was considered annoying by many people in the class. Sometimes he'd be ok and we'd talksports and music, but then he would just pick on me for no reason. One time he tried to put me on blast cause at that time I wasn't getting many chicks(orany for that matter, my confidence was @*+* in high school). I felt really bad and shamed. I knew I could destroy him in a fight(I'm pretty built) but Iknew fighting would just get me in trouble. I endured it and in some way, I can say it made me stronger. I haven't seen him since 07, but he I heard hesstill the same.

It did teach me to be mentally stronger. But at that time in high school, it sucked
i remember i used to get picked on from like 1st grade to 5th ,but then in high school and middle school i had a loooot of friends and i never got bullied....
middle school-high school no

Elementary yes....I wish i can make a time machine and go back to beat the ishh out of that dude.
I only had one "bully" when I went to school.

I was new and I guess he just didn't like me. He'd embarrass me in class, single me out when playing football or dodgeball during recess, and eventried to steal my Goosebumps book! (this was all in the 3rd grade)

The funny thing is, we became and still are good friends.
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