Who would you rather take a risk on this summer, Bynum or Oden?

Oden, less than 100 games in 6 years and sucks.

When he was actually healthy and touched the floor he was really effective but you hate all things Portland without bias so think that.

Yeah, that's what it is.

82 career games, 9 points, 7 boards. Per game.
In his 1 playoff series, 6 games, 27 fouls, 26 rebounds.

I'm biased. He's actually great.

I'm biased tho.
Bynum can actually play, Oden can't.
Even without great health, if he's at least "healthy enough" he's the second best C in the NBA. Oden isn't top 75.
Oden, less than 100 games in 6 years and sucks.

LOL yeah right.
To answer the question, I'd take Oden for 2-3 million over a max Bynum any day of the week.

If Oden is at least "healthy enough" he's top 5-10 center in the NBA easy.
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Ive seen both play and from what ive seen bynum can be great. If it was a 1 year contract im signing drew asap, when healthy u cant name 3 centers better than him. Oden on the other hand....
The rare times when Oden was actually healthy he would usually get into foul trouble and be stuck to the bench. When he was actually on the court he was pretty good though. If he ever does get his health back he just needs to learn not to foul.
Id take Oden because of the contract situation and the guys puts up good numbers when he can get on the floor. But with the Knicks luck/training staff he will break his hand picking up the pen to sign the contract and have to retire. Bynums a beast, but anywhere close to a max for him is too much right now. And I think thats what hes gonna be pushing for even with sitting out all this year.

If im Phoenix id take a shot with Oden. Your rebuilding as it is. And if you can keep Oden healthy enough to perform you could rope a dope someone into giving you something more useful to build around since an actual big man in the post is such a huge commodity right now.
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if you need to have a potential starter, Bynum. 

Lakers won a championship with him while he was playing on ONE knee.  When he is healthy, he gives every center in the league their toughest matchup.

if you need a cheap backup, Oden.  you know he's gonna break if you try and thrust him into a starting role.  aside from NBA2K on XBox and his college games, i haven't seen him play on an NBA squad.

yeah i'm a laker fan, but i was also watching Oden shoot free throws in college with his left hand, and making them, because his dominant right hand was injured.  i thought he was going to be the next great big man.  fast forward to today, and we know Oden needs a backup PF/C behind him even if he is your backup center, because there is a good chance he has a season ending knee injury before the season even starts.
Oden but even at 4 million is too much when you have missed 80% of your career with injury. I don't even know how you guard against him getting injured again and making it to the playoffs. Do you just have him not practice? Have him attend practice from him via Skype and practice the plays on NBA2k 13? Not play him all the way til the end of the season? I guess if you're a bad team it's not so bad a proposition, but I wouldn't throw money at either. Let them come for cheap and short term and "earn" a bigger, long term deal. They are both broken mentally just as much as physically.
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