Whoa, I think I found "Sup My Hat Too Big" Guy via Facebook. Is it him?

Originally Posted by CoupeIt88

We all remember the the classic "Sup my Hat Too Big" photo.

Was on facebook and seen my boy on the left in a picture with who I believe looks to be the "Sup My Hat Too Big" guy.

Could it be?


literally...you have the WORST...facial recognition skills...ever....like literally...'in the history of time' type ever....literally.
I went to high school with him that's my dude.. I seen him a few weeks ago around my block
That initial sup my hats too big pic was from 2006 or 07. That’s well over 15 years ago lmao.

Dude is probably in his mid 30’s, has a family and kids. And there’s still pics of him floating around the interwebz from the mid 00’s.

Some of us have been on this site for a good chunk of our lives too :lol:
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