Who's getting the 2010 Saturday?

i am thinking about it...most likely i'll go check them out, try them on and then find them in the near future for much less.
yeah ill get some...in about a year from now under $50...

Jordan you played yourself!!!!!
everybody laughing at these 2010s and saying they'll grab for $6 at the outlets in a few months or whatever...I wouldn't get your hopes up. It seems as though a lot less stores are getting these than usual and I bet most of those stores will get a lot less because of the failure of the 2009s. Why would JB mass produce an insane amount of 2010s to put them on outlet racks?
i concur w/ those who said that they will hit the outlets. the only color that i'm really fond of are the blk/caro blue...and i believe those too will hit the outlets.
Easy pass on these. Numbered jordans have really gone down hill. I probably wont even get them for $50 when they do hit that price.
Originally Posted by dtb00201

i wouldn't spend more than $30 on these and they would never touch a pair of jeans...it would be only for basketball purposes

Pretty much, although even for $30 + tax it'd be a pretty tough decision
....I'd probably pay $30 shipped, no tax
Originally Posted by avrnrgy

Originally Posted by csrcarbajal

i'll wait until foot locker has them for atleast $99 and then wait for 50% off
Will that happen?  Even the leftover 2009's still sell for 159.00.

^^^They are $69.99 at Nike Outlets now.
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