Who's watching Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles tonight? (FOX 8 ET/PT)

Jun 29, 2008
No copycat.

The series is definitely starting to pick up with probably the best episode of Chronicles being shown two weeks ago. This show is very underrated and should begiven a chance. I think I am the only one here who watches it.

Sarah Connor played by Lena Headey (Queen Gorgo - 300)



The New Terminator played be Summer Glau



I've seen every episode so far..i usually dont follow TV shows, but this one has me interested. the last episode 2 weeks ago was
Sadly, i have a feeling FOX will cancel this
. I hope more people canget into it. It really is a good show. I dont even like white girls and Summer Glau is
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Prison Break > Sara Conner Chronicles

Sara Tancredi > Sara Conners

Originally Posted by ShoeHefner5

I've seen every episode so far..i usually dont follow TV shows, but this one has me interested. the last episode 2 weeks ago was
Sadly, i have a feeling FOX will cancel this
. I hope more people can get into it. It really is a good show. I dont even like white girls and Summer Glau is
It was very clever how they used the Wizard of Oz
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Prison Break > Sara Conner Chronicles

Sara Tancredi > Sara Conners

Prison Break would be OK still if...you know...they were still in prison?
and slap yourself for that second comment
This episode so far is solid. Thank goodness cuz the series was starting to lose it's way.
Not to threadjack or anything but has anyone noticed how weak and boring Smallville has gotten. I really dont even know what the storyline is anymore
It was a good episode. I liked how they explored the psychological aspect of the show.

Now I have to wait until November 3rd because of the %@*#+$* World Series. I hate the baseball postseason for this exact reason.
Originally Posted by Dakingii

Not to threadjack or anything but has anyone noticed how weak and boring Smallville has gotten. I really dont even know what the storyline is anymore

LMAO yea thats a co-sign. That show has gotten incredibly lame within the past few years. Its their own fault though I mean how long did they think thatconcept would last?
NO sir you are most def. not the only one who watches this show. I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!

Great show w/ HORRIBLE TIMESLOT. Today is the only time I have actually watched this show at its actual time slot this season. MNF ftw.

I was gonna ask this same question last week then i realized no one has made a thread on it and figured the same as you. no one on here watches.

imo people hate on it cuz Ahhnold is not in it. Weak. This show is excellent the storylines expand and add much to an already great series.
Originally Posted by chinoman1782

NO sir you are most def. not the only one who watches this show. I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!

Great show w/ HORRIBLE TIMESLOT. Today is the only time I have actually watched this show at its actual time slot this season. MNF ftw.

I was gonna ask this same question last week then i realized no one has made a thread on it and figured the same as you. no one on here watches.

imo people hate on it cuz Ahhnold is not in it. Weak. This show is excellent the storylines expand and add much to an already great series.
That's the mistake FOX always makes with its shows. Part of the reason why I hate the network. They did the same thing to Bernie Mac when itwas gold by constantly changing the date that it airs. Now they have this show running at the same time as Monday Night Football.
Didnt want to check this thread until today because I DVR'd it last night to study for a test. I love this show too always thought there could be a tv showbased on the Terminator movies. There is alot to explore. I have the first season on Bluray, it looks amazing

Spoiler [+]
Craziest part is when John is in the park with his uncle and sees his dad and uncle when they were young
Not feelin' Summer, she reminds me of Wednesday from the Addam's Fam. I still gotta watch the dvr of this past monday's episode, but the past 2weeks have been pretty good after what I felt was a slow start. Or maybe I was just on a Heroes high before this season started.
It's back on following it's hiatus due to the World Series. Those ratings
Man I TRIED to keep interested in this show but I just couldn't. It's being DVR'd right now so I might try to stay focused with it. Still watchPrison Break for sure.
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