Why are girls heartless? (Girl Problem)

"I need a break"=theres someone else

....How do I know?...well because obviously after the "break" you're still gonna have your female friend...so nothing is gonna change about thesituation...so shes gonna test the waters on this lil' "break"
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by A King Of Da Kickz

Yeaa...i think da question should be why are some so immature?.

Word?!?! I have to kick it with some %!#+* that you've messed with/caught feelings for/told you love but you wanna get all pissy when I SUGGEST you kick itwith a dude that I've never done %$!% with/caught feelings for and have been friends with for 15 yrs?
Originally Posted by 5iveonit

your mothers crazy

*waits for FromThaTown to come report her*
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Private Messages are a beautiful thing.
yes, please inform her of such features....

What? You've sent me three pms and still wanted to talk +%!! on here. What are you saying to me?
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

"I need a break"=theres someone else

....How do I know?...well because obviously after the "break" you're still gonna have your female friend...so nothing is gonna change about the situation...so shes gonna test the waters on this lil' "break"

While breaks can sometimes be an easy way of a woman letting go of their significant other, sometimes breaks can be a good thing when being with someone for along time, especially when there are rules'guidelines at the start (ie not seeing other people etc).

I've just been through one for over 2 months, and she basically wanted to figure out +%%% for herself since her life wasn't where she wanted it to beat this stage of her life (you ca't force someone to help themselves if they aren't willing to do it, all you can do is encourage them). After a whileof no contact (by me) she started to come around and we've been patching things up ever since, and now shes trying to re-focus on gaining some structure inher life.

Breaks can also help you realize whether or not you want to be with the person you're with for the long haul. Breaks can be a good thing if there are goodintentions behind it.
breaks as far as i've seen mean someone else

dont wait for this chick. cuz you'll establish yourself as a suck willing to take her back after she;s done her whoredoms.

get a pair.
At anyone who thinks a break can BENEFIT you in ANY way....Me personally, Ithink a break for a FEMALE ALWAYS means she wants to see what else is out there
I never said breaks are a GREAT thing, it can be a very stressful and tough time if you just sit there and dwell on things (you have to keep yourselfpre-occupied), but you can't assume it just means they want to see other people in general. Sometimes when your with someone for years you forget what itslike to have that independence, you begin to rely on that other person too much and you forget what its like to make your own decisions (women really find thatimportant).

I've been in enough relations in my life to know the diff between a good or bad break. Nobody is expected to wait around, that's the point of NOCONTACT. If she wants to be with you she'll reach out to you, if not then you know what her intentions were (actions speak louder than words).
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

I never said breaks are a GREAT thing, it can be a very stressful and tough time if you just sit there and dwell on things (you have to keep yourself pre-occupied), but you can't assume it just means they want to see other people in general. Sometimes when your with someone for years you forget what its like to have that independence, you begin to rely on that other person too much and you forget what its like to make your own decisions (women really find that important).

I've been in enough relations in my life to know the diff between a good or bad break. Nobody is expected to wait around, that's the point of NO CONTACT. If she wants to be with you she'll reach out to you, if not then you know what her intentions were (actions speak louder than words).

I pretty much agreed until that right there..The way I see it NO CONTACT=A BREAKUP... And that reaching out thing is a NO NO for me because I knew a dudethat took a "Break" then after a while the chick "reached out".. Too bad she forgot to tell dude that during the "break" she metsomeone else and now doesnt really know who she wants to be with.
Well like I said, some girls use it to break up with someone without feeling AS guilty, but sometimes women (keyword women, not girls) have good intentions andwant to figure things out. Its puts the dumpee in a weird position because you can't expect them to wait, its always an awkward situation and trust me itwas tough, but it def helped me re-focus on my own life (and that's what you should do during a break, focus on yourself).

Now, you can't respond back even when they reach out because they will sometimes just do that just to see "if your ok" and they will continue tostring you along, you have to ignore them for quite sometime. If anything if you do actually contact them you should just straight up say what is it that youwant, if its just to check up I don't wish to speak, but if you're willing to work things out then we can (assuming your mind/heart is still there).

I don't necessarily agree with breaks, but no contact certainly worked for me and if anything it made us realize what we both want, so we're takingthings day by day.

But I am only speaking for the women with good intentions, not the young selfish, insecure women who do breaks just cause they don't wanna feelguilty.....I've seen the worst of the worst when it comes to those back in the day.
Do you do anything that would cause problems like spending more time with your friend than your girl? Or do ya'll two text or talk on the phone crazy hoursof the night?

P.S. Haven't read the whole post.

"I need a break"=theres someone else

....How do I know?...well because obviously after the "break" you're still gonna have your female friend...so nothing is gonna change about the situation...so shes gonna test the waters on this lil' "break"
NOPE mature people use it to think over their actions and what can they do to better their relationship.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Well like I said, some girls use it to break up with someone without feeling AS guilty, but sometimes women (keyword women, not girls) have good intentions and want to figure things out. Its puts the dumpee in a weird position because you can't expect them to wait, its always an awkward situation and trust me it was tough, but it def helped me re-focus on my own life (and that's what you should do during a break, focus on yourself).

Now, you can't respond back even when they reach out because they will sometimes just do that just to see "if your ok" and they will continue to string you along, you have to ignore them for quite sometime. If anything if you do actually contact them you should just straight up say what is it that you want, if its just to check up I don't wish to speak, but if you're willing to work things out then we can (assuming your mind/heart is still there).

I don't necessarily agree with breaks, but no contact certainly worked for me and if anything it made us realize what we both want, so we're taking things day by day.

But I am only speaking for the women with good intentions, not the young selfish, insecure women who do breaks just cause they don't wanna feel guilty.....I've seen the worst of the worst when it comes to those back in the day.

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by youngwill500

I give this girl everything..i bend over backwards all the time for this girl.. I know sometimes a @##!, but thats only once every blue moon..i treated her with mad respect.. but she is so caught up on being jealous of my best friend, which is a girl.. that ive known for 8years.. who is dating my male best friend for 10years.. for 4 years... we fight and argue over her..all the time.. we fight all the time now, over dumb stuff..because she is sometimes rude and immature..i feel like she takes everything i do for her, for granted.....and then she texts me saying she needs a break from me for a little while..
Start of problems right there

Exactly. I tried that years ago and never again. You have to get the same in return that your putting out or they will try to walk/run over you. The majorityof females are dumb/stupid and don't know a good thing when they got it but that's their loss. All of the females that were crazy in love with me, Itreated them like $%^& and payed them no attention. Confusing, but I guess that's just how it is. All I can tell you is $%^& her and do you andsee how she reacts. Put your balls back on your side of the court. Make her work for a change and take it from there. You'll know what to do
^ word. females know when they deserve good treatment.

stop being a simp.

my main chick right now is BAD. used to model. did Blue Carpet Treatment for Snoop and em. I treat her mad regular. mad sarcasm and smart aleck comments. myboys sweat her more than i do. i dont even care
stop treatin her sooooo good and make her appreciate whut she has and that prolly will solve all of her issues and if dont then she dont deserve u if urtreatin as good as u say u are
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